I still do not give up after months and months here I am again composting on the LJ.
Finally now I have a computer and a line that goes more or less holds, then, although respecting my lazy mood, I will try to post a bit 'more. I know I should give a tone a bit 'more international all the writing in English, but I do not have the mental strength ...
So I will continue with the beloved Italian, who as usual is unlikely with new words and mangled syntax existent.
After decades I've changed graphics and pic and I feel very relieved, I'd had enough of Vampire Knight.
For a while, 'Enough Vampire Knight in full, cause me an ulcer piercing that I would like to avoid (any reference to hysterical fans of this manga that I have sfracassato the soul is purely coincidental ).
This bunny is so much more pricey, look at that expression in his eyes, which sexuosità ! * _ *
Obviously, I was kindly offered by
Last night, after returning from Mestre, I have given to the savage scaricaggio manga different from my LJ as usual.
nice things that are usually two minutes after I finished reading I have already removed from the mind, but this time I came across "Gerard and Jacques " by Fumi Yoshinaga .
During the period just preceding the French Revolution, Gerard, a rich bourgeois, loves to go to brothels to spend good times with beautiful children. One day, in one of these places, she meets Jacques, a noble boy sold to a brothel to pay off their debts gaming contracts from his father. Jacques Gerard diprezza for his "rude plebeian pastime" and the first Purple Gerard then buy freedom. Shortly after a new attendant is hired at the villa of Gerard: none other than Jacques who becomes a perfect secretary, and a great worker, but still keep some distance from the impure habits of his new master. Jacques will be able to fit perfectly into this lifestyle? What hides the past of Gerard and his scar in his left eye? What will bring to their lives, the rise of the Jacobins?
Oh! * Gasp heart *
I have not read much Fumi Yoshinaga , but what happened to me in my hands I've always liked a lot, and this work is no exception. The author is not carried away from the usual four clicks of yaoi and, while not becoming miss the opportunity to include some healthy sex scenes that are never wrong, can give life to a story well structured and very enjoyable. During the story
Jacques not only grows physically, while maintaining the innocence and purity that characterizes extreme (its continuous explosions when Jacques comes up to him to more than one meter are amazing XD), and the same true Gerard that with the advance of history can more and more to leave behind a past that gripped (and ladies and gentlemen, a woman got to do ! Noooo!).
So, to put it down to earth, I liked a lot, even if for a moment I feared the final tragedy (but then I realized that I was not reading a manga Mizushiro Setona ). If I had money I would try to order it from America, but at the moment is not really possible ... * shudders to think only the exact amount that totaled his savings *
I have not read much Fumi Yoshinaga , but what happened to me in my hands I've always liked a lot, and this work is no exception. The author is not carried away from the usual four clicks of yaoi and, while not becoming miss the opportunity to include some healthy sex scenes that are never wrong, can give life to a story well structured and very enjoyable. During the story
Jacques not only grows physically, while maintaining the innocence and purity that characterizes extreme (its continuous explosions when Jacques comes up to him to more than one meter are amazing XD), and the same true Gerard that with the advance of history can more and more to leave behind a past that gripped (and ladies and gentlemen, a woman got to do ! Noooo!).
So, to put it down to earth, I liked a lot, even if for a moment I feared the final tragedy (but then I realized that I was not reading a manga Mizushiro Setona ). If I had money I would try to order it from America, but at the moment is not really possible ... * shudders to think only the exact amount that totaled his savings *
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