Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep ', the innocent sleep,
Sleep That knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care,
The Death of Others day's life, sore labor's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's Feast, -
I have a fucking sleep, the legacy of the beautiful evening of Saturday evening, but for reasons too complicated to be expressed, I have to pretend to be awake and interested.
For this reason, I try to distract me from the eyes that are closed by changing the lay of the journal.
I think I'm in the same session that I used at the beginning, the same that I changed for a reason that I do not remember, and for this, I'll keep it until you will come to me why I stopped using it, or until when I will not be able to finish writing the code for a personal or until I'll find another I like.
and dangling with nothing to say, I can only mark the behavior of certain people, that before you accuse of forcing them to do something against their will, covering words and feelings of guilt, and then continue on their own to commit the same actions, though you do not say anything to them since time immemorial.
Maybe, I'm gaining the ability to manipulate people at a distance (and without meaning to!).
Or perhaps, more likely, the world is populated by hypocrites (definitely not very smart).
Personally, I much prefer the first option ...
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