For the first time in my life someone I was tagged in a meme, is a great time!! Thanks
Sakura's character is assigned to me, unfortunately for her.
01. Do you like this character?
Uhm, Definitely not. XD
02. What name / s do you call this character?
Since TRC actually my mind is known only Fay and Kurogane and a few other actors, do not call it as I tend to forget it.
03. What image / color do you associated with the character?
White and pink when wearing the clothes of these colors automatically become the contract.
04. image-What song do you associated with this character?
At the moment I do not recollect any song Zecchino D'oro.
05. Blood-type What do you think this character is?
That's not blood, it is super sugary strawberry syrup.
06. Of all of the titles That Appears in this character, what character do you like to put up with this character?
TRC Horitsuba, Doujinshis, In my head: We all know that Syaoran is, the two do nothing but remind us every two cartoons.
07. What Would You Want to Say to this character?
continue to get you off and you continue to multiply, perchèèèèèè!
08. What do you want to do with this character?
A nice trip to Lourdes would benefit both.
09. Please choose 5 friends or more with your choice of character. (Optional, guise!)
Forgive me for my wickedness, I swear to Sakura of CCS contario I love it. XD
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