are in disarray with their homework. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Help me. What a bore.
Ok, this time I closed with Pokemon mwahahahahahahahaha * _ * No but really,
ONLY I find myself singing like a demented?
And maybe tomorrow I'll buy the Nintendo DS. With little game attached. MWAHAHAHAHA.
for the Derby: Holy shit, we are always the best of us. * Tongue out * And after this
unassailable truth please the Romans on the other side of the Tiber to keep quiet. (But while we salute the CL, CIIIAAAAAOOOOO.)
And Daniele De Ro, and Daniele De Ro, and Daniele De ROOOOOSSIII OOOOOOOOOLéééééééééééééééé
The best thing about the game, however, was the initial minutes of silence. For what little time I believed that solidarity is not only a tool used to inpietosire the crowd, the people. I saw genuine emotion and desire to become a participant in human drama.
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