Yes, after a thousand years I:
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- profile I did (just an idea, so as not to leave an absolute vacuum that there has been so far).
area network-promotion:
Although I find that this ship is a large part of the mental fangirl, I believe that the various doujinshi and their productions are among the best on you are around, ebbrave the fans! In particular, the FIC Board
Memories of
stark_black , is a ' AU (kind that usually tend to avoid) and currently has 28 well chapters, but cabbage, the author knows what he's doing! Do not be fooled the seemingly trivial issue and strategic use of memory loss, if the author handles it very well. Sure, it's certainly easy to hook up in anything that is not writing a thesis, what I should do urgently, but this ship if you do not mind I suggest you give it a chance.
PS: Obviously, the design is not mine, I found it on aarinfantasy I think, therefore I can not credited, sorry!
Memories of
PS: Obviously, the design is not mine, I found it on aarinfantasy I think, therefore I can not credited, sorry!
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