Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Flea Bites Description On Dogs

[Lucca Comics & Games 2009] Ludwig Revolution

Ludwig: [info] leryu_sbla
Wilhelm [info] fengtianshi
Lisette, Little Red Riding Hood: [info] kinnara_fertu
Witch Dorothea: MissReptyle
Blanche, Snow White: [info] shu_maat
Friedrike, Sleeping Beauty: [info] an_rua_mia
Cinderella: [info] juuhachi_go
Hansel: [info] hasa
Gretel: [info] xmelchanx
Queen Amalberga: [info] harriet_yuuko

Amalberga and Little Red Riding Hood
The three assassins
The three princesses
Prince and doormat servant
I want to be like you, grow up! Women
nice and friendly
Wilhelm Tell
Between Two Fires Between Two Fires
The Prince and Dorothea
The Prince and Dorothea particularly in character
Indeed ... XD
Mother and son

Hansel Gretel

These the two photos are "official" group, made the descent from the stage (from [info] yukikaze_ex ), and hosted on the site of Flash Gordon: The group

the group a little 'more sbarellato

Thank Calamity Jade who has taken up and gave us the video!

The following is a recovery made on stage by one of the members of the Flash Gordon:

Lucca Comics 09 (Saturday) - Ludwig Revolution (Part One) from Dark & Rinny Cosplay Videos on Vimeo .

Lucca Comics 09 (Saturday) - Ludwig Revolution (Part II) from Dark & Rinny Cosplay Videos on Vimeo .

Dr Scholls Foot Spa Instructions

[Lucca Comics & Games 2009] Trinity Blood

Seth Nightroad (ninja outfit - manga): [info] shu_maat

1 2 3

break in the Vatican!
Big brother Abel, are you home?
Seth tries to make a serious ninja
We were almost convinced ... On the swings
On the swings
Crossover! Guess the characters!