Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where Can I Buy Honeyrose Cigarettes

Fic test: 3 LITCHI

No wonder the detached form of this fic. It comes from an RPG and has not been restored to perfection, because of fever and absence of Gem Kagura XD not even place the table because it will be mourners placed correctly - you do not imitate the admin cattiFa, mind you, that's just hacking lj on to learn more: D If
Kagu willing, will be added later in another part of the hottest ... \u0026lt;3
Greetings, absentee damn \u0026lt;3


Zion arrived at the ice cream "Olympus", whose name was not promised anything good, pointing out the presence of a store precious objects in that very area of Athens.
Recalling , here.

In more than two hundred years, however, the situation appears to be significantly changed. Instead of cars, he saw on the streets just big metal boxes with four wheels containing people or gadgets in two places trilling crossed whenever a pedestrian.
He looked around bewildered, wondering whether to go or not.

"Zion, I would say that your memory begins to feel the weight of years." Confided Dohko, catching up with a smile. Zion was to convince him to go to the store, looking for a stone bust, and now look at the ice cream shop with him, puzzled. "Well, how about at least get in? Maybe we find a bust anyway. "

" No. I'm sure this is the place. "Sion said, glancing peak to another. "Probably the owner keeps the artifacts on the back, hiding the rest of the store as a ..." He read
upset the sign.

'... ice cream. "
How else would you explain the presence of the cosmos? whispered in thought. The Knights of Athena loved stone busts, no ...?
Dohko wanted to close in an eloquent silence, but could not stay in front of the Pope's lips parted in astonishment: "Well. I suggest you find out. "
"After you." He added, opening the door, she smiled. He maintained, however, the most rigorous mental silence, he did not want to remember that many inhabitants of Zion Sanctuary with cosmos loved ice cream, especially if the children were still set to grow too fast.
Mh just thought Sion.
As soon as he entered, he was hit by a strong smell of various sweets and delicacies. He wrinkled his nose in confusion - was not accustomed to such food! - And turned to Dohko.
"I order you ask a man ..." Sion pointed to a boy who places a counter, holding in his hand the conical shapes of the wafer. "... Where are the busts and what he has in his hands, before my poor soul suffers the consequences of this vision."

Dohko could no longer restrain himself and burst out laughing, careless expression of Zion, which would have seemed almost offended.

"Zion, now that shop no longer exists! Resign! "He said. He looked at the child, perplexed by the large eyes: the very eyes of Shunrei, once ...

"I do not want an ice cream instead?"
was perfectly aware of what he is asking the Pope to Athena, and as such, could not help himself, and smiled.

Sion, however, was. Literally. Stunned.
"An ice cream." He murmured. "That ... dish that I see in those ... metal bowls. "baffled
watched a display of fresh ice cream with many flavors, without being able to know or their taste or their composition.

"Do not laugh, Doko. No. "was appalled. It was, like few times in his life.

Libra had spent many years near his cascading in China. He had spent many years meditating on the ancient teachings in silence. Watching his students grow, day after day.

age had given him wisdom. For this reason, stopped laughing and took his sweet tone, the same as when his students were still children.
"You've never tasted it, Sion?" Then asked, taking his hand. "It will mean that we do together."
In the end even the Sion high now, with parted lips, almost scared, like a child.

And as the dishes were fixed Sion, Sion stare at the dishes.
"There are more foods than once." He remarked sadly. "Why ... because that dish is called "Taste orgasm?!"
narrowed one eye.
their civilization had fallen down.

"What good would you feel?" Smiled Doko, evading the question, for the first time in Zion, will a perfectly normal taste, without too many puns. Like chocolate. Vanilla. Fishing. Passion Fruit. Banana .

"What do you advise me, wise Doko?" Muttered haughtily: she had never liked that his questions remain without an answer. "Taste Orgasm, Kama Sutra or VolgaritàGratuita '?"
was one step away from abandoning the premises.
would be left alone if he had seen among the beloved tastes her food.
That, however, is not the banana .

Dohko's looked at his handsome head, and gazing along the bar, if he could, the high pontiff would have raised an eyebrow. A light touch on the shoulder, however, brought him his eye on him.
"Smurf?" He suggested, politely.

This is too much.

Sion wanted to escape.
Sion wanted to say no.
Sion, unfortunately, would be leaning on the glass counter in search of this taste smurf unaware that he would be throwing it collapsed to the ground. The High Priest
vanished with the transporter, leaving the ice Doko cursed.
Perhaps in the distant future, would return to seek a bust.

Dohko was a knight of Athena, and was a Gold Saint, the elite of the Sanctuary. Many were surprised to open his mouth, opened his eyes in disbelief; Dohko saw two holy war.

smiled and turned to the counter and asked politely: "Give me two tubs of ice cream to take away litchi, thank you."
Zion that night would still have its first time for that new food.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How Do I Watch Survellance On Comp


A must-read, the law does not admit ignorance.

A clarification:

For those fasting terminology in Japanese anime and manga, yaoi is a community issue in a community-themed gay men, even explicit.

User favors the prepared.


When you ask the approval of the community, you will be approved with no restrictions except those imposed by LJ; administration disclaims any responsibility.

Game Rules

That is, those dictated by common sense and respect for netiquette , so obvious because they could not confirm. However


- E 'may not offend others because of their thought, race, religion, sexual orientation political or sexual, such behavior is not tolerated and may lead to a permanent ban.

- In general, it is forbidden to insult other people, use foul language and / or slander.

- E 'also forbidden to enter child pornography, as well as celebrating racism or any form of intolerance. Even breaking this rule may lead to the ban. Indeed, it is very likely.

- E 'must write in correct Italian. No SMS language, no alternation of upper and lower case, no alternation of letters and numbers, proper Italian, bimbominkiese not close. In the case of infringement of these rules, other users are allowed to call them to order.

- E 'forbidden to write exclusively in capital letters, the Internet, this is equivalent to shouting.




-How do I post a fanfiction?

simply posting in the community, through the command post in this community "or by changing the indication from the normal command" Post ".

-What is the regulation about the fanfiction?

Obviously, in terms of content, fanfiction must follow the general rules of the community, are therefore prohibited pedophilia, praising racism, etc. In particular, the use of writing text messages, the excessive use of emoticons and an Italian misuse can also lead to a temporary ban.

-What can or can not write?

The only fanfiction that you can post a topic are those yaoi, shonen-ai or introspective. Obviously, they are not allowed in the fanfiction pairing are the main yuri or hetero couples; esservene can only hints. And no matter how many pairs you may have entered into a yaoi fan fiction, and it does not matter if it's just mentioned, the first report PersonaggioDiSaintSeiya / Mary Sue, the fanwriter will be called to order. Or beheaded.

Finding ourselves in the context of fanfiction, the normal restrictions fall.

However, it is not allowed to write explicit sex scenes Adult / Minor, if Minor consenting age has less than fifteen years (in case of non-sensuality with the child must have at least sixteen). E 'allowed bondage, with consenting partners, while the SM is prohibited. There are no restrictions on incest and twincest, but are not allowed to treat the subject lightly, unless valid reasons [ which the presence of Saga and Kanon ndGem ]. Even the OOC wild is prohibited, in other words, if the character to write it only recognizes the name, the fanfiction has to be rewritten. It is not allowed to treat lightly even weighty arguments, both for se and level of fandom.

E 'is also forbidden to enter fanfiction length less than sixty words.

tag-What should I enter?

The tag is essentially your name on livejournal. If you are bimbo_ciao, your tag will fanwriter = bimbo_ciao.

-I put a mirror in fanfiction?

Yes, immediately before history and made up as follows:


- G or PG - General, accessible to anyone (GREEN)

- PG 15 - Recommended for more than fifteen years (YELLOW / ORANGE)

- ; NC 17 - Prohibited to minors of seventeen (RED)


genres are planned for the fanfiction: Erotic, Sci-Fi, Horror, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, Dark and outrageously, Comedy, Drama, Parody, Fantasy, Romance, Fluff, Yellow ...


; The warnings are available:

- OOC - Out Of Character - Character of the original character changed

- AU - Alternative Universe - Alternate Universe

- ; Crossover - a combination of several characters from different series

- Lemon / Lime - Presence of scenes explicit sex (the lime is softer)

- One shot - self-contained

- Drabble - fanfiction from 60 to 100 words

- Flashfic - FanFiction 101 to 500 words

- Song-Fic - fanfiction based on a song

- ; Collection - More oneshot / drabble fic in one

- roundrobin - fanfiction where each chapter is written by different authors

- What If? - "What if ..?" Fanfiction is based the assumption that an event happened differently than the original series (ucronìa)

- Shonen-ai - as far as Anime and Manga, presence of male homosexuality but not erotic scenes

- Yaoi - for Anime and Manga, the presence of male homosexuality with erotic scenes

- PWP - fanfiction where the central sex scene, and the plot is barely hinted

- ; Adult / Minor

- Mpreg - Presence of males pregnant

- Non-con - not with the sensuality of one partner

- Bondage - practice in which one partner binds the other

- Spoiler - Presence of spoiler, that events are not revealed by the series

- Incest - Presence of incest

- Twincest - Presence of incest between twins

- Crossdressing - One of the characters is dressed as one of the opposite sex



Fanart / video / cosplay

Fanart . Please fill out this form, then add your fanart using the html code below lj-cut/fake-out.

TITLE (if any):





Video. same form, in the notes should be used to mark the song and artist. The video must of course be on youtube, dailymotion or a similar site, but it should be published below lj-cut/fake-out.

Cosplay. Wah, how nice! The first cosplayer that will portray a picture yaoi will be a worthy recognition (and a banner)! \u0026lt;3

fill out this form and enter your photos under lj-cut/fake-out after that.

PHOTOGRAPHER (so also do the advertising):

PG1/PG2 PAIR - Character played by a

CHARACTER 2 starring



FAQ various

-How you do an lj-cut?

The lj-cut first to hide the text of a post. To create one, highlight the text you want to hide, click on the icon labeled "add to lj-cut", then type the first word / phrase of the hidden text (or whatever) in the window that opens and press OK.

-How can I make a link to this fic on my journal?

Mail the original table, then type "MY FICTION" (or another phrase that suggests) and highlight it. Move the icon to add a hyperlink and add the address of your fic.

I can take a fic-author of a community and publish it on EFP / another site without warning?

I hope you never have to accommodate a person in the community so low.
If this happens, the user will be banned FOREVER. And not only here but also on EFP / Other Site.
It will suffer the consequences.

-How do I link to an lj?

Write your name, highlight it and click on the LJ-user. You're done.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Can Malar Rash Come And Go

Welcome ~ Rules

Welcome to a community dedicated to the production yaoi in Saint Seiya!
This project is the brainchild of [info] unicagem the afternoon of Thursday, October 1, after noticing the lack of community in Italian dedicated to the topic.
What is a community? What's in it?
Well, Saint Seiya Yaoi - ITA is an archive of material (fanfiction, fanart, cosplay, video ...) that is centered around the presence of one or more same-sex couples of our beloved series, created by the lively mind of Kurumada while reading manga yaoi at full blast. Just because the topic
Treaty may not be acceptable to all, the community is open only to members who require access. Those who feel offended by the material contained therein may kindly press the red X in the upper-right and / or cover their eyes.
How do I apply for permission to post? How do I post?
I send you to the FAQ pages for an answer, but as you will see will be very easy to participate actively in the community.
Who is the author? Who are the accomplices?
The evil mind, as anticipated, is to [info] unicagem .
minds who have had the (s) to support the luck of the aforementioned are [info] 6kagura9 [info] gondolin_maid .
The first one was kind enough to say their say on layout [info] unicagem : "The bread will reign, especially if it is a big one like that trend ... in a yaoi site.
The second, however, has pledged to fix the CSS of your journal and pick up people who fall along the streets.
Enjoy your stay!