Saturday, October 3, 2009

Can Malar Rash Come And Go

Welcome ~ Rules

Welcome to a community dedicated to the production yaoi in Saint Seiya!
This project is the brainchild of [info] unicagem the afternoon of Thursday, October 1, after noticing the lack of community in Italian dedicated to the topic.
What is a community? What's in it?
Well, Saint Seiya Yaoi - ITA is an archive of material (fanfiction, fanart, cosplay, video ...) that is centered around the presence of one or more same-sex couples of our beloved series, created by the lively mind of Kurumada while reading manga yaoi at full blast. Just because the topic
Treaty may not be acceptable to all, the community is open only to members who require access. Those who feel offended by the material contained therein may kindly press the red X in the upper-right and / or cover their eyes.
How do I apply for permission to post? How do I post?
I send you to the FAQ pages for an answer, but as you will see will be very easy to participate actively in the community.
Who is the author? Who are the accomplices?
The evil mind, as anticipated, is to [info] unicagem .
minds who have had the (s) to support the luck of the aforementioned are [info] 6kagura9 [info] gondolin_maid .
The first one was kind enough to say their say on layout [info] unicagem : "The bread will reign, especially if it is a big one like that trend ... in a yaoi site.
The second, however, has pledged to fix the CSS of your journal and pick up people who fall along the streets.
Enjoy your stay!


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