Seth (Trinty Blood - ninja manga version):
Award Flash Gordon Cosplay
Nel (Bleach):
Syaoran (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle):
Seth Seth Seth II
against the Vatican
In The
II Syaoran
More photos coming soon!
Three original humorous stories about cosplay, fairs and preparation of costumes, Harriet. Partly autobiographical and partly derived from the observation of multi-faceted and colorful world of cosplay.
The first signs are sighted in the days before the event. Start disappearing parking lots, and you already feel the first wave of dark omens. The car parks are eaten by those who come on business, or truckloads of poles and tents, which soon will become huge and will be stands and stalls scattered around the old town.
The car parks are the first sign. Then there is the rise of strangers to the city. It is therefore to car parks - in other words, if there are more resources, there will be someone who guides them.
More media, more people: more code, more chaos in a city that wraps around the walls like a tangled skein. And now the average dose of bad words that a person is usual tumbler in the morning, while trying to get to work, increases dramatically.
If these are the omens, the certainties are beginning to be seen on the evening before the event. The center closes its doors, and we salute you. Thanks, really. Residents have the special grace of being able to reach their homes - but check out the concession. But I do not even try to pull the car from the garage. No, really. I do not have the heart to venture outside the district by car in those days.
And finally, the opening of the big event: at the tail, roads so full that you are hurt at the thought, warm, jostling, pesticciamenti, all kinds of crap scattered on the street, screaming, assorted bestiality personified in all corners and The high degree of creativity to produce appropriate expletives.
But how nice.
Who would not want to live this?
Who would not leave his stillness in this pit for throwing incredible, once a year for four days? Spending, too. I say I, but where they fishing for money to come to face this stuff?
I, while this savage rite is consumed, I try to leave the house to the station to catch a train to take me to work safely, away from the unrecognizable, besieged by a horde of crazy sketches.
I really love my city. I am writing to pro-loco, I asked the tour guide in the most popular and free in my neighborhood organizing voluntary shifts of cleaning. I really love my city. I love his story, I know around the prodigal to his art and its artists, and I want to my role as active citizens.
I, in those four days of the year in which we are under siege, a little suffering. I wonder if these people will ever make in our shoes.
Well, maybe not in our, but in those dreadful things, I would say so ...
- Hey, Angnese.
- What is it, Luke?
- How come we have made in this showcase of troiaio doll-shaped thing with the yellow hair?
- because it brings people.
- Bring people? A dude with yellow hair?
- Not a thing, it is a character called ... Mmm ... Arthur, or something like that. Like the boys. And in the coming days you'll see a mountain, boys, and then place it in the window and do not break my balls.
- Oh, sorry. Bellino, though. I want salami between or behind the jams?
the doorway of the shop, Mrs. Julia greets her with a strange jester's hat on his head, and she is about to faint. We
He had almost forgotten - had tried to remove - but you can not escape fate.
- Ce n'ho one for you, do not worry! - Trilla Giuliana, terribly proud of himself. - You have to be in tune with the fair!
- must right?
- Sure!
- Who wants to come and buy our stuff? We sell homemade, not comics ...
Julie shakes her head, with the air of one who has been there for a long, long time, so you know.
- Last year came a cittina dressed all in black with striped socks, all in a panic because he had forgotten the towels at home. Two years ago I found myself in the shop three hotheads who slept in the car, and bought a duvet. I once sold a tablecloth with a display stand assistant who did not know where the goods particularly sought. In short, everything is possible.
- If you say so, I will trust.
- Trust me, trust me! - Satisfied smile. In the hands magically appears a hat filled with pink flowers and bells.
Well, that's one of the famous moments in life when you stop to observe the current, not power over things, but you wonder why me?
is about to open. The ticket office is about to open. Oh, yes. Is about to open. Two
position of attack. Money in one hand, bottle of water just in case the other (useful for recovering from the heat and to strike any sharpers trying to pass along.)
we are.
E 'started!
a joyful cry and ferocious rises in the air, a cry ancestral, that returns the climate of the dawn of time, when men lived in contact with the gods of nature and the world was darker and soaked the ideals of courage and honor. Part
the mad rush that is a struggle, challenge, and killing alliance at the same time, all toward a single goal.
Also we run. We, in six, pushing the enemy and trying to stay united as brothers in danger, we run, our targeting desired horizon, from a distance. Several
away. Type
, eightieth row.
better than last year, it took from ten to noon and a half of those tickets cabbage. To me, this year we are proud to eleven.
Enter stationery with three kilograms of polyurethane foam and clay on you seem the most natural thing in the universe.
the old woman who has a heart attack in a corner, did not. (Logical enough, though, as it passed near the Rem the Shinigami in person ...)
Even the stationer, whitening, when I see you. Does not recover even when he hears your gentle voice that asks if it has a gold permanent marker. Muta, rummages in a drawer, in a hurry, with the thought to send you away as soon as possible, probably.
- From 'line, but we breathe, cost there?
You turn around and smile at you ladies who has just asked the question. Then you remember that he can not see your smile, because you have a white mask and purple, and everything he sees Suffering is the grin of a monster with one eye bandaged.
- Breathing enough to survive until tonight! - Reply, hoping to show him that at least you have a sense of humor.
- Look, you've done to you, this thing?
- We have worked in six .- points out, proud.
- Bah. Glad you. But the money who give you these?
- Savings, set aside just for this occasion for a whole year.
- you throughout the year you put money aside to do these things?
- Sure!
- Oh good pricks!
Ah, that ordinary people can not understand ...
* E 'energy cost, effort, money (lots), distress, discussions (Degenerated into quarrels, wars evolved), accidents, work thrown in the toilet, work redone and thrown back into the toilet and a nice piece of your health and sanity, but to be there, there, there and nowhere else ...
And see from the crowd and yelling and cheering almost forget the basis of your scene that runs - and if there sbrigate you cut the song and the scene goes to hell ...
and risk of tripping acting within mammoth, the shoes that make you feel bad and gloves that are very hot and even pulling the wig you have pasted the ...
... in short, be there on the stage of the cosplay competition, price and did not really lose all the negative universe weight in front of that feeling that you never know quite explain.
E ', end of story. It 's the magic of the things you like. And 'the power of shared things. E 'struggles with the enthusiasm of the materials, designs, and the force of gravity. It 's the sense of fullness that can be reached at the climax of a story that goes on for months, all aimed at one day, and especially in those few minutes of glory that will pay off everything.
E 'and you're so grateful for your chance to experience all this with such intensity.
Then, when it is finished, the skit ended, the cries already climbed to the sky, the ritual of the photos ended, the regained freedom, there are five minutes in you can also send to hell the damn shoes and throw them away from you, and bewildered faces of laughter, and retrieve your comfortable shoes from the bag (you saddled with Teresa, in cosplay coat.)
- Maria!
- Do not break! My feet are to be resumed.
- At least you could take the green.
- these do not fit you?
- Ma .. Augusta Vradika with purple Converse?
* - And on your left, the walls. The walls surrounding the old town of Lucca, and they open the gates. Lucca is a city full of ...
Quartet passing race. One has bunny ears, one has a green face, the third has wings and get behind, lagging, bagged.
- ... aliens.
*** (No episode is 100% true but almost all were inspired by things that have really happened. I do not know how they feel in Lucca during the fair, but I'd like to dedicate this story to their patience. I really came into stationery dressed as Rem and I bought the towels in the guise of a Gothic character. Naruti I saw in the window and be amazed by the horde of tourists cosplayers. I've never done a cosplay of Augusta Vradika Trinity Blood, but the sensations are those who feel. And, yes, I witnessed the tragic and joyful moment of the queue for tickets. For better or for worse, is something Lucca Comics that for almost 10 years filled with great memories of my life.)
- Explain to me why t'impunti first and then run away?
- What balls. Leave me alone.
- No. I will not leave you alone. Not until we have clarified this matter.
- There is nothing to clarify.
Silence full of tension. Then, in the air, the sound of something that gets stuck, something that has stopped working.
- There is much to be clarified, however. I want to know why you do that.
- "So," how? Eh?
- Just like that .. so!
- You're whining. You are pathetic.
- you who take me to this point! You see? You, with your rebellious attitude, your way of doing independent until exasperation, your obsession to always do what you want and your incomparable ability to run away when you arrive in front of the problems! It becomes impossible to do anything with you. And every time we talk, we are at a standstill.
- Do not break.
- And so fluid?
- I gave too much play.
- You ... You are ...
- Do not break, I told you.
- Ah, I'm the one that breaks? It seems to me it's just you, miss troublemaker himself, to mess up everything, all the times I do end up with friction, and then leave without that we can conclude anything!
- If anything, you, you balks. I just depend on you. My problems are the result of your own.
- not true. I am here, ready to help you, and you leave.
- will be your fault, you're not good enough to keep me.
- What? You ... six shameful! You should not let you say things like that, you know? E 'horrible to hear it. I'm here, do my best to accommodate you, near you while changes, as you evolve into something wonderful, and you do not want to do your part and swing away, as if ... Ah, enough. I stop here. I stop.
There is silence again. The air resound a sigh, but neither feels really - and if they feel they do not achieve what it is. They are too focused on their dramas, their eternal struggle, eternal groped to catch or restrain each other. Both are still, in silence, aware of what they are and what they should do together.
should, in fact.
- I block and then escaped because this is my nature. If you are unfit and can not help myself, it's only your fault.
- Ah, yes. Your nature. Sure. All apologies cabbage.
- No excuses: I'm just like this!
- I do not care.
- I do not care that you do not care. You take what I have to offer and if not I'm going well, well, your business.
- Basta. Not contacting me anymore.
- Oh, just the offense, eh?
- end of story.
- And we do, we stop here?
- Yes Closed.
- Closed? What do you mean? Without me ...
- Honey, I tried. I tried really. But obviously does not work. But you know what? A damn stupid meter of black leather that continues to slip away, that is interchangeable with dell'ecopelle of better quality. Or with the leather, perhaps. You know, there is also little. Just look in the right place and at most ten euro you take away a piece big enough. But the sewing machine ... That's irreplaceable. So hello my pretty elusive. You go. I win.
- What ... No! No! Noooooooooo!
- Bye bye, sweetheart. Say hello to the bag of scraps.
An entire afternoon alone put strange ideas in his head. Or maybe it's just the fault of my house, old and big. I'll be paranoid, but sometimes, while I'm here, the room strewn with pieces of fabric, spools, sewing machine accessories and pieces of paper patterns, I have the feeling of being watched. Mah
Maybe I just need another coffee.
(The story is autobiographical: certain qualities of leather foot down, and do not flow, when the stitch. And if you try to force it, Most of the time slipped from my hands, despite un'imbastitura that would take on a building, and finish sewing wrong. Well, maybe it's also because of my little skill, eh! XD Know that all this happened in September 2009, sewing the gloves to wear the lovely Shu by Seth ninja.)
- This could go?
- No. No, I'm sorry, it's too clear.
- Um, wait a second. That one on the second shelf. Do you understand that?
- No, not yet clear.
- There's another in which ...
- No, I see it from here. Not good like consistency.
- But if you touch it, as you can understand the texture?
- now we can recognize the eye, believe me.
- There, over there, balanced on the bright green muslin and organza dull green, wedged between the terital green grass and the synthetic green conifer stretch, sandwiched between the green cotton and worsted wool pea soup green, you see that the 'corner sticking out? Here, that would be acceptable for you?
- It 's shot, no?
- Yes, but in my opinion ...
- No, really, we just need a simple solid color.
The woman disappears into the back room and emerges with two rolls of cloth, which throws rudeness on the counter. Kindness was putting on strike a quarter of an hour.
other side of the bar three girls - a plump (and dumb), a disheveled (and cryptic), a thin (and terrible) distort slightly the angle of the mouth in unison. The woman falls into the back room without even presenting its merchandise.
- I believe that this shop, unfortunately he does not have what it takes to you .- announces, returning from customers. You do not even tries to smile. Forty minutes, half devastated shop, about thirty different shades of green and all for nothing. But they go to break the balls of others! The three
out, muttering a sad farewell, leaving behind a shop that is a battlefield.
The owner of the most respected fabric shop in the city can not believe it. He has never seen anything like it.
- Er, yes, this is beautiful, but you see, we seek a moss-colored fabric, and indeed one that has brought us she is a military green ... A green asparagus ... A green ...
- Well, not exactly moss.
- Mh. We say that is almost moss. But not that musk is used to us here. On the shelf are exposed
eighteen different shades of dull green, from the lush green nature, dead to the most horrific vomiticcio green, but the moss as they want them there, and then the three are not satisfied. They look so mortified that he could serve him. But in the end they leave without buying anything, leaving him alone with the store to rearrange and disturbing question: "But those three have a problem?"
- Maybe we should give up and get something a bit 'less apt .- Frank sighs, after being out of the fifth store empty-handed. - Basically, there are other gauges in the dress of green. Maybe we get a green more ...
- Um .- Valerie makes a face-to have resigned-but-not-in-the-bottom-are. - Eh. If there is no other way. Though. I do not know. I am not convinced. No.
- Girls .- Ilaria instead has its own characteristic look of someone who does not accept replies. - The day is not over yet and the city is great. You do not want to stop here? You do not want to deface Lucca in front of some poor cosplayer who has patched up half a dress, but found the exact shade of green moss, eh?
No, neither of them wants it, and then doubts and fatigue are put aside, and the three tireless adventurer resumed the laborious quest in search of their holy grail-green moss.
*** ( I'm Francesca, Valentina, Ilaria Kinnaras and Shu, and all the adjectives key aim in the loving and playful! Precise XD The episode never happened, but many others have occurred almost identical.)
author notes:
1) In this fanfic pilots Formula Universe have an age ranging between 25 and 35 years
2) not there will be characters from the Lost Canvas or Next
3) The formula Universe is a variation of a Formula
4) This fanfic is protected from spray anti Mary Sue and signed the protocol yaoi
5) If anyone has any suggestions for me is welcome, this is the first dedicated to Saint Seiya fanfic and my main concern is to go OOC
The calm voice of my father wakes me up carefully with a curt "It 's time."
I never risen faster this time, usually every time I wake up early I have a song in my head today is "It's all over" Three Days Grace ... weird! With a speed
absurd I prepare in less than three minutes, I do not eat, I do not drink, I do not make ... Sima is down waiting for me.
E 'obvious to write that every beat is accentuated by the veil of excitement that shines in my eyes and those of my cousin, needless to say I did not expect what would happen again.
The journey is not long at all, we speak of this and that, but mostly you talk about them, key topic of the day and our lives.
arrive at the hotel at 6:30 or so, and that's where I feel very stupid! We did not expect such luxury ... so, like tourists in a strange place, we venture to the room to lay a few bags and running to bring us Palalottomatica.
What we see devastation, but does not discourage us ... we get normally in a row, as civilized people ... because it was assumed that there were to be civilized people.
I never socialized with other people, but now I do, because I'm waiting for this day for seven months, because they miss me, because today I might hit someone, today is another day ... I'm alive.
Time goes fast at times, others too slow.
I think about them, I think the tiredness above me and that input two coming up, I'm not complaining, but if I could actually beat many people. How can
than a "sit down" security girls do nothing? I wonder if you really are insane ... Monsoon has been given a thousand times by the damn Zeven that does nothing but get excited, I can even make me hate!
Fear incessant beat of my heart, can make room in it, the soul is in tatters.
anxiety comes over me, I waited seven months for this day, I waited seven months for them ... and I'm afraid.
At a time when all have become enemies, all eyes are weighing on your soul ... 18:00.
open the gates, is a moment? A second?
We run at that time did not think about how, when, what ... do you have tickets in hand, trembling hands, hands worn out ... like you.
It takes a nanosecond to pull tickets, a tiny moment to check bags and then still run, non-stop ... just a destination, a fantastic goal. When I get
not believe my eyes, is the incredible closeness that I have with the stage, because we embrace Sima helpless, because after eleven hours on foot, without food, we can!
And we are weakened, ... but we laugh a nervous laugh and happy, we took photos to frame this moment of happiness damn, but we have to wait another two hours for the start of the concert, exhausting two hours when the sweat is sticking to her just like L & rsquo ; anxiety that envelops you tirelessly, two bloody hours of tension, quarrels with beanpole that you would cut his head quietly, two intolerable hours.
Time passes, the fatigue increases, but the lights go out!
The heart ... my heart is gone, all are gone, although the fatigue weighing on the back, there is any more, there's only me and them.
I see them, as beautiful as the sun ... I'm here in front of me even though I still can not make it.
so I missed the concert on July 6, it is possible that some humans can shine with such mastery of their own light?
jump, push, scream. I have to scream to the world my happiness, my whole time waiting for a miserable hour and a half, I cry because I'm breathing happiness that in a bit 'will vanish with them.
Sometimes I have to see them blow up, also comes a point I go into a panic because a thousand hands are raised in front of them not allowing me to see them, then ... maybe it's a coincidence, but perhaps there are no coincidences.
But there is a bottle, it seems strange and unnecessary to write it, but that bottle saved me!
lift up that bottle that I cm that I missed, I can see everything even if your back screams and curses me.
But I'm fine, and I sing ... I still wonder if I'm dreaming, but they are there, in front of me.
Breathe happiness Such is not so easy.
sixteen hours I waited for an hour and a half of happiness ... it was worth it.
And I'd do it again, and again ... even if the PC and now I'm crying, even though I destroyed my back and mood pieces, although I miss them so much, I have to thank yesterday because I have other objectives to be won achieve, a security that maybe it's just an illusion.
Yesterday I realized that after three years of reckless love for them, I'm still in love with an obsessive way, and unfortunately, possessive of them.
I realized that dream is not so wrong, because dreams do come true sooner or later ...
Breath even those moments, those memories ... and while it may seem exaggerated, it was not yesterday ... it was not exaggerated say that I live with them.
I have never accepted this dependence on the people, have always been an independent type, which stand it on its own merits ... but they are a delightful exception.
The tears I shed to "Forever Now" were indescribable, disclaimers, impregnated with the pain that my soul has passed for those grueling seven months.
And then ... then the sky cried. He cried because
-after sweating nonstop for a whole day, having been morally wrong and after that he never sold that day just for them-I've been waiting for so it is shaded in a miserable hour and a half.
But above all he cried because I breathed happiness, love, LIFE.
I breathe you, Tokio Hotel .