TITLE: We are made of stuff of which dreams are made
WARNINGS: yaoi, fluff
CHARACTERS: Milo of Scorpio / Aquarius Camus
GENRE: erotic sentimental
NOTE: Following is the ideal Anniversary, but we understand even without reading it.
The title is from Shakespeare \u0026lt;3
- to us! - Milo exclaimed raising his glass to the sky.
I looked at him wondering whether to be more amused or offended by rubbing with a towel, hair still wet with the champagne that I sprayed him opening the bottle.
- to us! - Then answer with a smile, grabbing my cup.
now is a tradition celebrated every year on May 23, although Milo takes it more seriously than me. For the occasion, even calls me "my husband," and can not take offense to my digs. It is very childish of me to make fun of in this way, but once a year be able to tease without consequences is an opportunity too good. And then call it "my wife" always puts me in a good mood.
In fact I must admit that I always end to soften the memories of that day many years ago, even before receiving the investiture of a knight, when the baby Milo asked me to marry him.
After Milo is always the same: stubborn, sweet, proud, and with a great passion for his penguin , epithet stand only reluctantly, and only for the immense love I feel for him.
The fact that after the ritual drink Milo drains an indefinite number of glasses of ouzo is the tradition, and I always like to be my own what remains of a bottle of champagne to get drunk a little less of him and have sufficient energy to to support him in the room.
This year everything is running according to the script, and I'm dragging Milo toward the inner part of the Eleventh. But Scorpio seems to have more energy than usual, and pushes me against the first solid surface it encounters, starting to kiss hungrily, his hands already fight against my clothes and, as benumbed by alcohol, they quickly jump a few buttons, shirt and pants.
- A-wait at least be in the room ... - I whisper, as at this moment not too confident in my balance and I wish with all my heart a bed, or at least a horizontal surface. Button with one hand behind me looking for the door, which I know is now at hand. Wonderful, we are just resting on it, I stagger when I push down the handle to open it by.
- Why not move this wall? - Milo asks me confused.
- Why a door, idiot-I do not have time to finish the sentence interrupted by an inglorious tumble. Inglorious but deserved: I continued to rely even as I opened the door.
landed on the carpet, on each other. Milo pulls a bit 'not to get up and make sure that I'm good.
- Obviously, I'm fine. - Puff - What do you think that a fall is enough to knock out?
Milo smiles sweetly. - But I vowed to always be there to help you when you fall. - Reminds me, returning with the child's mind to those promises that we will never forget, even though we like to think they have grown a lot since then.
My eyes betray me and find them bright. "It 's just alcohol," while trying to convince me I say to my lover with some skepticism - I think at this moment you are not even able to help you itself.
- It 's likely. - Milo candidly admits to kiss me back, and finally won, but not without difficulty, the battle against my shirt, which ends on the other side of the room. When I nestles against it almost seems that he is purring. But it is simply asleep. So, it collapsed like a log. I puff: I do not want to get up, but not to spend the night as well.
Shortly after, however, while I'm still trying to convince me to get up and I'm almost falling asleep myself, I feel the lips on the neck of Milo.
- Ben woke up. - I take it around.
He does not answer me, but continues to tickle the tip of the tongue, going down the sternum. Among the many things that Milo can do well, make me mad with pleasure is one of those he does best. I let out a moan pleased when I bite the navel, while his hands caressed my thighs. When her warm breath caresses my sex I feel drag inexorably towards madness. I push your pelvis toward him, and his mouth greets me. But I did not even have time to moan his name that Milo has already been removed and is penetrating me with a finger. Increase feel the rhythm of my breath in anticipation, without being able to do anything. But the devil's pride, had also strong enough to be heard panting to Athens, it's worth it.
Milo finally settles upon me, and I cling to his body strong and warm as I enter into with the delicacy of all time, before you start pushing more and more strong. I come
shouting his name as I never did ... and I wake up. I am confused and face
Milo still half dressed, snoring peacefully beside me.
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