Titolo: Anche gli dei ridono - Even the gods laugh
Rating: PG
Conteggio Parole: 200 + 100 + 105 (OO)
Personaggi/Pairing: Saka di Virgo/Mu di Aries
Avvertimenti: yaoi, comico
Challenge: Special #6 @
Prompt-regalo ricevuto: 3. You can't cling to a reputation (Maxïmo Park), 5. The eye of the storm (The Kills), 10. It's getting out of hand (Joy Division)
Note: Oggi la consecutio temporum mi odia.
Sono stata ispirata da questa bellissima fanart , che -sigh- NON è mia (e non ho la più pallia idea di cosa ci sia scritto sotto, essendo giapponese).
It's getting out of hand
Da tempo le stelle non celavano più presagi minacciosi, ma costellazioni amiche, splendenti nella quieta maestà della notte estiva.
Shaka e Mu erano nello Sharasoju per godere di quello spettacolo sorseggiando del tè.
Il lemuriano, accaldato, si raccolse i capelli sulla nuca in un nodo disordinato.
- Così styled look just like a woman! - Shaka grinned.
- Close your eyes and think of your, hair, Santone oxygen! - Mu said piqued - I'm not used to tropical climates like you. Umpf!
- When you make some faces look like Kiki. - The enlightened one laughed, heedless of the air that scratched the earth with their hooves, ready to gore with a Starlight Extincion.
His laughter did not stop crystalline; Mu acted.
cups of tea went flying out of their hands, and they found themselves on the grass at bathrobe like children.
Realizing what they were doing laughed, having the good taste not to be taken to once, too seriously.
- What did you say I look like?
- A woman. - Buddha insisted, narrowly missing the lover's face with his fist, which left a rather large crater in the lawn. - I'll have to call again the gardener, damn Aries!
The eye of the storm
The perfect calm of a Mu Shaka had often seemed like a joke.
Maybe he was calm, but what about those around him? Fear, respect, reverence, the attraction swirled around the protector of the temple of the Virgin as a cyclone which he was the eye still.
attraction. Maybe that actually spun only from the parts of Mu. Or at least that was what he hoped to: the Rams can be very jealous.
Knight, back to the ground, left to drown Shaka, sitting comfortably on top of him, the peaceful expression.
- I closed my eyes. Happy?
Mu snorted.
You can not cling to a reputation
then poured Shaka.
- No.
The Indian caught him by the collar and if you pulled on him. The stuck his tongue in his mouth without notice, leaving him gasping. Then he resumed the fight, taking advantage of the opponent distracted.
But the keeper of the first house it was all a bronze, and gave him a hard time.
- Were not you the calm and staid, venerable Virgo? - Mu grinned trying to catch his breath after another match of that delightful melee.
- And you were not a tipino rather sweet and quiet? - Shaka retorted, wrists imprisoned at the hands of the partner and the grass to pinch back.
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