TITLE: The rage of love
GENRE: drama, supernatural
WARNINGS: AU where Aphrodite is Diemme an angel and a devil, WTF nth degree, yaoi, blasfemume varied liters of blood, language from port (one day or another cut the tongue Cancer), narrated first-person alternately by the two (I repeat my intention to cut the language that dyslexic Cancer. I swear, I do not write like that! But since
CHARACTERS: Death Mask and Aphrodite
Word count: 8386 (total of two chapters)
NOTE: It must have been just a PWP for p0rnfest # 3 @
Angel Deathy referenced at the beginning is such a thing .
SOUNDTRACK: I would say almost mandatory, as without all this would not have been born: Cirque du Soleil - Alegria (it's sung in English, English and Italian).
him, the blue-haired idiot, he was an angel once. It was not clear who the fuck do gliel'avesse made to tear the wings of a well. I mean, it was beautiful, as beautiful as ... be 'an angel. And from a face-and body, eternal gods, who body! - so you would expect all the good of the world. But no: that could have heaven and gone but the bastard can do it in peace. I like to believe that she did for me, but to understand who the fuck that idiot with his hair blue?
There were many ways to lose the wings, but was never certain, however, was a long process and very painful. There were no written laws, precise. The will of God, that was perfect and immutable, but we simply could not know angels. Sure, put a sign with the rules of entry would have eased the way for everyone, but you could not go to God the Almighty of monotheists-to complain of such trifles. Every now and then we talked to Athena, who was retired but remained one with whom one could argue, one that knew what he meant Justice.
fact is that I was bored. I was already tired before you even know what the hell stupid, but it was he gave me the final push.
must be said that we had just found: he had had enough and I hell of heaven. Not that it was not an asshole emeritus, of course: he was born and the devil-devil would die if we were mortal. It was just that torture the souls of sinners began to get on his nerves, perhaps because he behaved like them.
"They're just poor people, staminchia" I always said, "For some fuck too much, binge, or some of the money spent so badly need to torture them forever?"
I agreed.
In short, we were all too human for our roles. But it was not always that easy, they were not, as they say, all rosy.
Alegria I see a spark of life shining Alegria
I hear a young minstrel sing Alegria
Beautiful roaring scream Of joy and sorrow, So extreme
There is a love in me raging Alegria
A joyous, magical feeling
Allegria I see a gleaming spark of life
Allegria I hear a young minstrel sing Allegria
Beautiful roaring scream Of joy and pain so extreme
There is love in me raging Allegria
A feeling of joy, magic]
Remember our first meeting looks like a stuff queers silly, but I must admit that it was a great cool. One thing that is worth telling, in fact. You know those
angeloni of baroque sculpture, like ancient Greek armed with lots of leather skirt, shin guards, sword in hand and not just look peaceful? Here, Phro was exactly like that. A show. And he came down to me: I was doing the casino on Earth, and his boss had sent him. What then to think well, if God is omniscient, would also have known how it would be over between us. So why the fuck just sent him, eh? We see that or not so powerful or what he wanted. But honestly, the second seems unlikely. To end one of his precious angels into the hole in the bed-and-a devil? Nope, I do not believe me even if it is to tell him in person. I mean, I know that the old man misfires. Zeus would be to say, maybe there is a little thought on the idea to dethrone him as he did with his father Kronos. So shut the hell that is a real shit, and reopen the Hades, the Elysian Fields and the rest. Not that there were, at the time: I'm young, I. But from what I said Proserpina seems an interesting place. Ok, maybe she is not exactly objective, as it is in love with the king of that place-and I did not Smena with the Stockholm syndrome: the end is really in love, end of story.
But I digress again. For centuries, the centuries-not-joke that I put together a coherent discourse. I guess all that tortured souls in torment me to hit the nerves. It was also fun, at first, only that all the long weary. That is, almost everything Phro I do not have stew.
Anyway, back to us. Our first meeting. I'll be around to spread plague in Sicily if I remember correctly, and suddenly I find myself in front of 'I'm part of a boy all shining with divine grace-a good look at him I realized that I was already beginning to crack, which, I swear, glitter seemed to spread, than it is in those type rivistacce Top Girl. C'aveva an angelic smile but tended to sneer, and a rose in her hair. Instead of worrying about that one so let him filled me with blows, the first thing I did was to laugh. It was not crazy-that is, maybe yes, but to a limited extent. And then do not say that those who know they can not be mad really mad? However, dropping the arguments that they bite the tail, the fact was that this was shamefully pink fucking ridiculous. I mean, you find yourself in front of a fully armed with a lot of sword with both hands, ready to fight for ancestral struggle between good and evil ... with a red rose in her hair?
But the weirdest thing was that the idiot in question is not in any way offended by my outburst of laughter. He stood still puffing just a little '.
- Fa 'return to hell you got sick, or fiend! - Exclaimed. But there was something in his voice that did not return: it was as if he were repeating a chant now venutagli boring. - In the name of the Lord, let these innocent life!
- Who do you think you are? The Archangel Gabriel?
I never discovered if it were true, but in my part Gabry was known as the most badass of the heavenly hosts, what made you into a slices less than a blink of an eye with one hand while the other deseeded rosary. The classic enemy would not want to meet but, in fact.
- Tsk, imagine if an Archangel to bother someone like you!
What bored me so much was the lack of enemies at my height. An angel like you must really love peace, and fight only when absolutely necessary.
After the first taste of the excitement of battle, however, I no longer had could not help it. I liked to fight. Perhaps that is why I was always sent on missions for the Earth resembled belled rather than confrontation with the devil. Other angels came back and wound up covered in blood, bone broken, torn wings, I thing, fresh as a daisy. It was for that that I began to put the flower in her hair every time he went down. My enemies could not even ruffled. And then do some 'sin of vanity was a thing that had its charm, at the time. I was like a kid on the threshold of adolescence, which is the first bea small rebellions, unaware of the true shit then she turns in her life.
Ah, yes, sometimes I lose some dirty word. Of course it's all because of the bad influence of Death.
So the day I met him I thought him an enemy like the others, useless.
- It 's become a habit to fight the girls or just you so, there? - Mocked me, not at all intimidated. Not that I had ever seen a devil show signs of fear.
However, technically, we angels-the angels curse the angels!, I still talk like I'm one of them-they would not have sex, but to move in the earthly world needs a body, which is assigned at birth, and that is often the soul is bound, especially if you spend much time down. For what was often the wounds were so deep on Earth to leave real scars.
be called a 'girl' then it struck me that much. I was pretty sure I am not a female, on a purely theoretical but my body would not count for much. Indeed it was more a matter of habit, I think: they were not to think about much at that time.
- Actually, - I said - so beautiful it's just me.
Before I finish my sentence, I threw myself forward to hit, and a part of me was happy to know that I would be the last thing that those eyes would have been laid.
I had a surprise.
- Ah ah ah! You have the reflexes of a boy! - Grinned the devil, now at a safe distance from my sword, which had only touched the brown chest and muscular. Instead of taking
smiled smugly. At least he was able to dodge a few shots. Who knows, maybe I'm not there I could have fun for a few minutes.
short, the Oscar does nothing but smile. 'Fuck the smiles! I wanted to fight, and he did not take me seriously! I was absurd anger mounted in less than a second, that it was not so strange, but anyway, I was ready to massacre as it should.
idly twirling the fork as I did was the walking stick of some dandy London to show that even I was taking it too seriously. But then I took a desire in the chest. I would have liked to play a little 'cat and mouse, but I learned that it is very stupid not to hit an opponent when he has the opportunity, as this seems to us weak. And I do not even seem to Aphrodite a fighter from peanuts.
In fact all I could do was leave a scratch on his armor, while the air abruptly moved from his wings I slapped his face.
growled floor, while his sword whistled a few millimeters from my ear. Having to avoid the shots so quickly they do not have time to answer or block the enemy gun is unnerving. I tried to attack from below, but my roar trident met his sword.
- Tsk. - Angel was the derogatory comment. But a wild light gleaming behind the smile of superiority at the bottom of the thin blue eyes.
- "Tsk" a nice pair of balls! I still think you're slow-
- You were saying? - Took me around suddenly appear very close. But that was teleported? Well, too bad, I thought, issuing a blaze.
if he took it in full. It did not give him a scratch. Motionless, looking at me smiling, and it was no no with the index. - The Evil must be running out of soldiers by sending us people like you.
seemed to have fun as a child to get around. You see that was a who liked to play with fire. Interesting: I did not think there were people like him in the highest.
tried again to attack him, grinning with satisfaction. I started to move to the right, but then I took the left. The angel was disoriented for less than a second, and still parried the blow with his sword, while finding in a very awkward position. Then scatenai flames in my face. He managed to dodge just in time. Well, almost. The left side of his face was soon blackened by smoke, while the rose that made me laugh so much was burned along with a few locks of her hair. Overall, however, no one seemed that he was fighting with me. Well, usually my opponents after all that time there were at least exhausted and half dead!
Not to mention the irritating phlegm of that angel. He wiped his cheek with one hand, then straightened her hair behind her ear, flying at a safe distance. But if you look closely looked pissed. It was not for that stupid pink?
fact is that less than one second after I found myself having to dodge lightning, followed immediately by the sword of Aphrodite that I left a scratch on his neck.
- If the first in many years that manages to hit me. - She admitted. Then he tried to clean off his head.
Obviously he could not. But he took a nail in his arm, and his most precious blood stained the white sleeve of his tunic.
- We'll have go to the laundry. Uh, like I'm sorry!
- But you do not walk for a lifetime, right? According to me once even your pants were white. Then Thou him when you were told you had to fight.
So, in short, given that our power was equal, we ended up at groped shots here and there without conviction, insulting in the most idiots in the world. Looking back I wonder how it was possible. I mean, logically, if we were both so strong, we should reduce us hurt each other, and this time I would not be here to tell it.
And indeed, to further insult to all logic, we stopped at the end as well, exhausted. We were to look in his eyes no longer want to do anything.
- usually human beings when they encounter an enemy worthy of the fight at the end they shake hands. - Finally, I suggested, just to say a provocative bullshit. But it would be fun to really shake the hand of an angel. In fact, in theory, all contact was strictly forbidden, but I did never see such strange fall and I did become one of ours. If it had happened once might happen again, right? We did not have to be made of material so different after all.
- You can not. - He said without conviction.
- Fuck the law.
Aphrodite shook her head. - Not a question of law, I mean that no-
imprudently, the tranciai half the sentence and grabbed his hand. Burned. Burned. Our hands, I mean. Excruciating pain. I cried and I snapped back. - Asshole! I thought the fight was over!
Angel snorted. - It was not me. - With enviable patience, she explained, holding her hand burned with each other but without the slightest expression of pain in the voice - That 's what I was saying before. There can be no contact between us and you. That is why even though we are immortal beings we can kill each other. And thanks to your stupidity will be a miracle if I remain scars on the hand.
- So much for the miracles you give them so much per pound as apples, no? - I blurted out, imagining God as a giant grocery store and depressed by not being able to defeat the employee of a grocery store. However, it says "Read more of the devil", but I can assure you that Phro knew more than me. About everything.
- apple you should not even talk about it. - Aphrodite replied sarcastically - that serpent of your head combined with one more trouble than you all put together do not ever combine.
I could not help laughing, and eventually we left almost unscathed either.
But do you think about me they did get away? Eh, no. My oddities were tolerated, but exceeded certain limits was starting to become a dangerous subversive. It was not so much the fact that it did not defeat my enemy, which was objectively strong, unmistakable as the burn on my right hand.
even I was afraid of being unable to return to Earth, but fortunately my punishment did not last long. When I us back but it was not to fight but to announce to an old religious vocation now rusty from grace God was with him. Commonplace, in short, but better than staying up there for the rest of eternity. Now, you need a clarification: there is a reason why heaven is heaven and hell is hell, and my house was certainly an amazing place, or so I was always felt, the fact is that if I was still too long I began to feel a prisoner. That was why I loved so much come down to Earth, not because he found it objectively more beautiful than heaven.
When I came to the convent where she was the elder brother, however, I sensed immediately that something was wrong. It stinks of sulfur. I should be worried, but I could not suppress a smile, perhaps I had the opportunity to fight.
I rushed to the monk's cell, which was just then entering a demon. Ah-ah, believed to have me knocked on time!
- In nomine Patris , vade retro, servus Satanae ! - I shouted. A human being might have hesitated wondering whether or not to hit you from behind, but in my mind that option simply does not exist. An angel is not allowed to be unfair even if his opponent is a devil, then the idea was repugnant to me as a warrior as well as a servant of the Lord.
The devil in question turned in surprise.
If it was my habit I swore heavily: it was the same one that had fought years first, the one that I had yielded a long exile from Earth. Bizarre and unfortunate coincidence, if you had come to know. Of all the demons that hell could vomit, why him?
Not bad, I told myself, this time I would have defeated in no time at all. Why would
defeated, right?
Here, that's right: no. Another did nothing but destroy our fun for an entire wing of the monastery. And of course to those who touched replace everything after? Who had to rebuild the walls and manipulate minds because they forget that sight?
However, in one way or another even managed to complete my original mission, and this time without burning embarrassing. I hoped that that was the last time I saw Death Mask. I prayed that it was the last. But when did
prayers are answered? I swear that if I had not seen it with my eyes I began to doubt the existence of God, I limited myself to doubt its usefulness when I saw that devil for the third time.
I was on top of a mountain in the Alps I had no particular reason to be there, I just defeated a demon nearby and thought I had to restrain myself to enjoy the show. I loved the rocky peaks that emerged in the middle of the dark white snow, too steep because this could have depositarvisi.
I was staring at a summit in the distance, when a noise beneath me distracted me, and I saw an avalanche that was pulling its flying over the ridge at the time, accompanied by the eternal smell of sulfur. Do not think that all misfortunes are caused by a demon lying in wait: it was just my bad luck, or luck? - Always happen to me in the presence of emissaries of Lucifer.
- But porcaccia a misery! There was no one in the dry 'is fucking lot! So what do I loose? - A voice was screaming just below me. A voice now worryingly familiar.
- You again? - Blurted gliding towards the peak on which was perched beautifully, like a bird of prey with large black wings folded almost like a cloak. She gave me a look just
a bit 'surprised. - I? It is you who are always among the balls.
- Goodness! - Esalai - I think I heard more profanity in the last two hundred years now.
- What is it, want to wash my mouth out with soap? - He grinned.
- I want to disintegrate, the mouth, along with everything else. But it seems disgustingly difficult. - It was not cowardice, my own, but the knowledge that we would be finished in a tie again seemed almost more annoying that not fighting at all.
- You do not really want?
I stared at him dumbfounded. Why I should not wish for the death of a devil?
- Maybe I'm sympathetic. - Death Mask grinned.
was then that I realized the the fact that it was completely crazy. Curiously, however, that phrase I installed himself in the head with annoying insolence, as if it was true.
- Well, listen little angel, I'd love to stay here and talk to you, but I innocents exterminated, and other souls who buy commissioncine to the Head. A bore, you know, but I have to. - He spread his wings, and as he went, while I, crazier than him, let him go - he turned and shouted, laughing: - Ah, anyway my name is Death Mask, in case you want to come looking for me.
- And my name Aphrodite, in case you want to know the name of what you will do your skin!
See, right. Just look at how we finished.
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