Last edit: 16/10/2010
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| matricons | H | shizu9 & | S in g ♪ Stark Sands ♥ | ♪ Lady Gaga ♪ Vampire Weekend ♪ Local Natives ♪ Imogean Heap S | on g | s
| | January | oo1. I'm Not Your Toy; La Roux | oo2. Scared to Feel; Leila Broussard | | What Sarah Said, Death Cab for Cutie |
oo5. Tik Tok; Ke $ ha | February | oo6. Speechless | ; Lady Gaga | oo7. Fireflies;Owl City oo8. Sweet Disposition; | The Temper Trapoo9. Groundhog Day here; Malika Ayane | o1o. Throughout his life, Noemi | O11. Luckily,
O12. Still Believe me;
Marco Mengoni
o22. Telephone;
Lady Gaga feat Beyonce
o24. A Crippling Blow;
The Killers
o3o. My Body Is A Cage;
Arcade Fire
o32. Waka Waka (Time for Africa);
o36. Blind;
o41. Way to fall;
o42. Make Me Bad;
oo1. Generation Kill - Fick talks to the Reporter
-HBO oo3. What Sarah Said: Official music video
Generation Kill - Singing Tainted Love & Tribulations - Case 4 - Part 9
o17. Me siento seguro - Iker Casillas
Zelda and the Phantom Hourglass - Nintendo Ds ☀
Il Mio Coach: Arricchisco il mio Vocabolario - Nintendo Ds
☀ Quick Spot - Nintendo Ds ☀
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth - Nintendo Ds ☀ Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria - PlayStation 2
☀ Odin Sphere - PlayStation 2
♦oo1. The Young Victoria (2009)
♦oo2. Flag of Our Fathers (2006)
♦oo3. Die Mommie Die (2003)
♦oo4. The Hurt Locker (2008)
♦oo5. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
♦oo6. Howl's Moving Castle (2005)
♦oo7. Alice in Wonderland
♦oo8. Spaceballs (1987)
♦oo9. Inglorious Basters (2009)
♦o1o. Killer Hair (2009) (TV)
♦o11. Pride And Prejudice (2005)
♦o12. Sherlock Holmes (2009)
♦o13. Toy Story 2 (1998)
♦o14. Marley & Me (2008)
♦o15. RocknRolla (2008)
♦o16. 500 days of Summer (2009)
♦o17. An Education (2009)
♦o18. Fight Club (1996)
* = rewatched xxx = At cinema
B ooks
oo1. Nile Poirot (Agatha Christie)
oo2. Death in the sky (Agatha Christie)
OO3. Tender Is the Night (FS Fitzgerald)
May oo4.
Farewell to Arms (Ernest Hemingway)
oo5. Poirot and the body (Agatha Christie)
oo6. American Gods (Neil Gaiman)
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Agatha Christie)
oo8. Christ Stopped at Eboli (Carlo Levi)
oo9. Poroit
and Four (Agatha Christie)
o1o. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
July O11. Words from the
defense (Agatha Christie)
O12. Studio in Red (Arthur Conan Doyle)
O13. The Sign of Four
(Arthur Conan Doyle)
o14. The Valley of Fear (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle)
O17. Help , Poirot!
(Agatha Christie)
O18. The Brothers (John Grisham)
Portrait of Elsa Greer (Agatha Christie)
Anansi Boys (Neil Gaiman)
Tv/Movie/Book/Videogames characters:
Brad "Iceman" Colbert (Generation Kill) Alexander Skarsgård
Josh Ray Person (Generation Kill)
Emily Blunt
Lewis Nixon (Band of Brothers) Ron Livingston
Richard Winters (Band of Brothers)
Rick Gomez
Eric Northman (True Blood) Alexander Skarsgård
Godric (True Blood) Allan Hyde
Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)
Jim Parson
Kay Faraday (Ace Attorney Investigations)
Wildbur 'Runner' Conley (The Pacific)
Keith Nobbs
Ashton Holmes
Andrew Haldane (The Pacific) Scott Gibson
Stark Sands
Alexander Skarsgård
James Ransone
Carey Mulligan
Ashton Holmes
Deborah Ann Woll
John Simm
Joseph-Gordon Levitt
Brad/Nate Kill , 2008
best lines Trombley: Are you against marriage, Sergeant? Ray: Brad got dumped.
Brad: My sweetheart since junior high... left me... and married my best friend since junior high. We're all still friends. They're one of those happy couples that likes to take pictures of themselves and hang 'em up all over their goddamn house. Sometimes I go over there just to look at my ex-fiancee doing all the things I used to do with him, with my best friend. Surfing and... jet skiing. It's nice having friends.
| B and of | rothers | best lines | Speirs: Where's the weapon?
Speirs: When you talk to an officer, you say "Sir". 1x10 Points | ~~~ Liebgott: "Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You've fought bravely, proudly for your country. You're a special group. You've found in one another a bond that exists only in combat, among brothers. You've shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You've seen death and Suffered together. I'm Proud To Have With Each served and Every one of you. You Deserve to long and happy lives in peace. " 1x10 Points | A warrior of light always makes something out of the ordinary. Can 'dance in the street while he went to work ... - Paulo Coelho | T rue B lood |
best lines | Sookie: * * He's talking about Godric your maker, isn't he? | Sookie: You Have a lot of love for him. Eric: Do not use words I do not understand. | 2x08 Timebomb | Godric: A human with me at the end, and human tears. Two thousand years and I can still be surprised. In this, I see God.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. - Pablo Neruda | They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. - Andy Warhol | Heaven and Hell Are Just a Breathe Away - (Art) Andy Warhol | T he P | acific
best lines | Leckie: There are things men can do to one another that are sobering to the soul. It is one thing to reconcile these things with God, But Another to square it with yourself. | 1x01 Guadalcanal / Leckie | Should I think everybody like everybody - (Art) Andy Warhol |
| | ( To the Maison !) | (2010 Episode List ) | (
| & Fandom pairings ) | | Other graphics' post will be published @ |
lovetoequalpain |
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