Sunday, January 31, 2010
Will Rubbing Alcohol Kill Strep?
Hello world!
Hmm ... should make a little description of me in the first post in my livejournal?
But no-tet
Oh well, needless to say I'm strange for you mere mortals ... ok jokes aside uu Martina and I think I will use my blog as a small page where you will insert some of my creation, ... ^ ^ I love to write
But I also love rock, my beloved and I'm an idiot because Guns
1. I have no other friends outside of my Marty ( light of my eyes, I created the account for the live journal because they are denied xD)
2. I have already written my interests and is therefore useless to rewrite
O_O Well gentlemen ... I think even insert some of my theorem on many different topics (yes, with such a hypothesis, thesis and description uu). Arguments diverse
= shit: D C ya
people uu
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Masterbate With Bannana
Blanche, White:
Queen Amalberga:
Blanche mirror
Blanche mirror II
Blanche before biting the apple
Pandora Pandora II
Amalberga and Blanche
Amalberga and Pandora (if you see a nativity scene in the background, is an optical illusion)
CSI at court
Monday, January 25, 2010
Different Forms Of Labia
TITLE: An angel's smile is what you sell [to the song You give love a bad name Bon Jovi]
Word Count: 300 + 204 + 101
CHARACTERS: Capricorn no Shura / Pisces Aphrodite no
WARNING: shonen-ai
NOTES: [than when I had published for the first time] people, have gone two in the morning. Shura delirium, I as well. It's all the fault of Phro, however: that guy is too good, should not allow him to shoot with impunity to damage neurons and the sleep-wake rhythm of the people.
Ah, yes, that oblique Barrettini you see among the names I ran away because of sleep, that's what I mean. Aaah, the couple unreleased! I could move me, I have never read anything about them in this way (not that these drabble anything happens, if not looks and delusions, was
Challenge: Special # 6 @
Sometimes I wonder what effect do you be. I wonder if you realize how special you are. I try to identify myself, the more I try and not succeed, and I can not and most intrigues me.
just seems strange that I, who live next to you always, to find myself in this situation. The fact is, Aphrodite, that someone from outside could be called best friends, You, Mask and me. But friendship here, is not a very popular term: it sounds strange, absurd on our lips.
And then I just do not know you.
perfection makes you unique: one and only. It is a strange lonely, your surrounded by people, a bit 'like the loneliness of the Death Mask and mine. "We're all in this together," Cancer chuckle when I hear now, quoting a saying of his land. But he added: "Because sooner or later we all die," and you, Aphrodite, smiling contemptuously, or maybe you'd like to comment bad. Because you know that beauty is eternal and perfect, and death will not harm you. And you also know, you know the ephemeral life of the flowers, that eternity is all in a moment, the moment when I look at you and feel the air because they miss the human race has never received the grace of such perfection, behold, in that instant your beauty has become eternal, because it was once, and had a witness.
Yet wretched I am a witness, watching you from afar! Yet, again, closer than that ... Closer than that would be you, or at least be like you. Would understand you, and then I lose the fascination that leads me to you. As a moth is drawn to the light and ends up bruciarvisi because the moth is not light, I burn.
There are many things that I do not understand, and Shura is one of them. I seem to be, he and I, like two parallel lines which, while running side by side, maybe close, never meet. As if there were a glass, and I, while trying to talk to him, I could not hear me, but only see. And sometimes I beating against the glass that surrounds me, because I know that part of the Shura is more subtle, almost able to break it. Almost .
scream I do not understand his silence, his silence and his character, I do not understand anything about him, but I understand! I wonder whether we truly believe that loneliness is beautiful, or if it's just resigned. Why is loneliness
beautiful, and the Beauty is loneliness, but live with it is not the same thing. Beauty is not something you'd find a miracle: it is work, concentration, attention to every gesture, every-gods, if it sounds trivial! - Detail. And that's what I do, incessantly: to pursue an ideal that is above justice that we are committed to defend and we have sworn to betray him, beyond the Power, who also pursue and glorify.
Yet there is something even I do not know me, under the appearance and perhaps even below the conscious part of my mind, and I'd like you to help me to discover it. There's more here to be seen , said a song you do not remember a few notes. It's funny to see how the word can be read in a thousand different facets. Perhaps that line means that there is something tangible that has been hidden, or perhaps he is urging to look better, to try to understand.
And I try, Shura, to understand you. But there's that damn glass.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Square A Retaining Wall
TITLE: We are made of stuff of which dreams are made
WARNINGS: yaoi, fluff
CHARACTERS: Milo of Scorpio / Aquarius Camus
GENRE: erotic sentimental
NOTE: Following is the ideal Anniversary, but we understand even without reading it.
The title is from Shakespeare \u0026lt;3
- to us! - Milo exclaimed raising his glass to the sky.
I looked at him wondering whether to be more amused or offended by rubbing with a towel, hair still wet with the champagne that I sprayed him opening the bottle.
- to us! - Then answer with a smile, grabbing my cup.
now is a tradition celebrated every year on May 23, although Milo takes it more seriously than me. For the occasion, even calls me "my husband," and can not take offense to my digs. It is very childish of me to make fun of in this way, but once a year be able to tease without consequences is an opportunity too good. And then call it "my wife" always puts me in a good mood.
In fact I must admit that I always end to soften the memories of that day many years ago, even before receiving the investiture of a knight, when the baby Milo asked me to marry him.
After Milo is always the same: stubborn, sweet, proud, and with a great passion for his penguin , epithet stand only reluctantly, and only for the immense love I feel for him.
The fact that after the ritual drink Milo drains an indefinite number of glasses of ouzo is the tradition, and I always like to be my own what remains of a bottle of champagne to get drunk a little less of him and have sufficient energy to to support him in the room.
This year everything is running according to the script, and I'm dragging Milo toward the inner part of the Eleventh. But Scorpio seems to have more energy than usual, and pushes me against the first solid surface it encounters, starting to kiss hungrily, his hands already fight against my clothes and, as benumbed by alcohol, they quickly jump a few buttons, shirt and pants.
- A-wait at least be in the room ... - I whisper, as at this moment not too confident in my balance and I wish with all my heart a bed, or at least a horizontal surface. Button with one hand behind me looking for the door, which I know is now at hand. Wonderful, we are just resting on it, I stagger when I push down the handle to open it by.
- Why not move this wall? - Milo asks me confused.
- Why a door, idiot-I do not have time to finish the sentence interrupted by an inglorious tumble. Inglorious but deserved: I continued to rely even as I opened the door.
landed on the carpet, on each other. Milo pulls a bit 'not to get up and make sure that I'm good.
- Obviously, I'm fine. - Puff - What do you think that a fall is enough to knock out?
Milo smiles sweetly. - But I vowed to always be there to help you when you fall. - Reminds me, returning with the child's mind to those promises that we will never forget, even though we like to think they have grown a lot since then.
My eyes betray me and find them bright. "It 's just alcohol," while trying to convince me I say to my lover with some skepticism - I think at this moment you are not even able to help you itself.
- It 's likely. - Milo candidly admits to kiss me back, and finally won, but not without difficulty, the battle against my shirt, which ends on the other side of the room. When I nestles against it almost seems that he is purring. But it is simply asleep. So, it collapsed like a log. I puff: I do not want to get up, but not to spend the night as well.
Shortly after, however, while I'm still trying to convince me to get up and I'm almost falling asleep myself, I feel the lips on the neck of Milo.
- Ben woke up. - I take it around.
He does not answer me, but continues to tickle the tip of the tongue, going down the sternum. Among the many things that Milo can do well, make me mad with pleasure is one of those he does best. I let out a moan pleased when I bite the navel, while his hands caressed my thighs. When her warm breath caresses my sex I feel drag inexorably towards madness. I push your pelvis toward him, and his mouth greets me. But I did not even have time to moan his name that Milo has already been removed and is penetrating me with a finger. Increase feel the rhythm of my breath in anticipation, without being able to do anything. But the devil's pride, had also strong enough to be heard panting to Athens, it's worth it.
Milo finally settles upon me, and I cling to his body strong and warm as I enter into with the delicacy of all time, before you start pushing more and more strong. I come
shouting his name as I never did ... and I wake up. I am confused and face
Milo still half dressed, snoring peacefully beside me.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
New Riddell Revolution Speed Facemasks
TITLE: The rage of love
AUTHOR: Ali (if you read all the other captolo now we can be friends U_U)
GENRE: drama, supernatural
ATTENTION: the same as the 'last time , lime
CHARACTERS: Death Mask and Aphrodite
Word count: 8386 (total of two chapters, which were born as a one-shot lj but I do not post them leave together)
ESSENTIAL SOUNDTRACK: Cirque du Soleil - Alegria .
And then there's a line from For Your Entertainment Adam Lambert.
see a spark of life
Like a madman shouting
Del criminal Alegria Beautiful roaring scream
As the rage of love
as an assault of joy
There was a shack-yes, I know that it seems to tell a fucking fairy tale for children-in a forest where every now and then ambush us when we were sending up-or down, depending on the points of view on Earth for a mission-Pallosa. It was a refuge as any other, and do not bother us too much to each other.
One day I was sitting there waiting for the three-night 's time the devil, you know, a series of crap they believe a lot of humans so it is easier to go and scare-owning a nun or a few have - see mothers screaming at the sight of little children who recited their Black Mass in Latin was always a spectacle, as the centuries had begun to come to me to boredom. I did not think it would Phro showed over there for a while, 'because I knew what they had given him a reprimand because he was still on Earth, so I was quite surprised when I saw him fall there with the subtlety of a hurricane slamming the door and almost crumbling ceiling.
- I can not take it anymore! What a bore!
- Do you have to come here to do the hysterical? - Sbuffai lazily, stretched his wings, which until then had kept folded under the back for better sdravaccarmi the small moth-eaten sofa.
- Yes, right here. - Said addressing a fiery eyes - and if it makes you feel the blood you are also requested to remove the noise. - Grunted. I did not understand immediately what he meant, but expected.
undid his belt from the waist which carried the sword and placed it on the ground. Then he took off his breastplate, bracelets, sandals and the shin guards, throwing around carelessly, pulling in the meantime that swearing, I swear, I never heard it myself. She gave me a satisfied grin: like having my full attention, or the attention of anyone for that matter, as he was narcissistic.
- Who's going with the lame learns how to limp, and those who go with the devil learn how to curse. - He told me.
- Oh, and what do I have this sudden expansion of vocabulary?
Another of those looks of pure hatred. - They say I'm not behaving as it should. Holy Christ, but do you think? I am sure that they do not even preaching to teenagers so human! They threaten to keep me playing the harp for the saints for eternity if you do not stop to take every opportunity to lead the hands, I turn into a boy! They say I'm obsessed with my appearance. - Ended with air-shocked, and I could not help but laugh heartily, and as most of the first time I had seen.
- Be '...
- Yes, I am vain. And damn me if they have decided it is a sin. I do not see anything wrong.
Even I could see nothing wrong there. Absolutely. Aphrodite was very sulky fantastic-I would say 'adorable' unless he was gone, my reputation, and the rose in her hair I could not give up so much I used to see her there. However I did not understand what was wrong
still going to do, or why you were removing even the short white tunic, while remaining completely naked. No, do not you think ... that is, yes, I was also thinking there, but for us it is like for humans, as a body we have it only occur on Earth, so we have a relationship with it rather special. For example, the shame is not that really makes sense, given that what you call "private parts" or "pudenda" do not have any of the functions that you make such outrageous. To say that angels do not sex-or at least should not, but I think Santa Teresa could give you a version a bit 'different history-or caghino.
In practice, however, all I wanted was to get rid Phro the back of every impediment: want to cut away the wings. I did not think it would really come to that point. In short, to the anarchist is one thing, but mutilate was a different story, because the wings are not just a cool thing that's been flying and teases the imagination of mankind for centuries: they are also an important symbol of the role assigned to us, This is true both for the angels to demons. Dire symbol but still does not make it, because of their practical importance. Losing the wings no longer means what it was. Aphrodite
stoically held a grimace of pain as he pulled the first blow of the sword to his left wing, splashing a few drops of blood on the white feathers.
- Need a hand? - I offered. It was not a particular reference to it. Of course, I must admit that the last time I was in a sense attached to that angel, but it was not as if we had some kind of relationship or friendship. Simply was not the natural order of things, and the only time I tried to touch him I had had the test. In fact, there was not a real reason why I were there with him in what I guessed to be an important moment. Aphrodite asked me not to stay or leave, and I was there just to satisfy my sadistic streak. After all, even though he seemed ok for a guy just because he was too bastard to be a true angel, seeing the torn wings as white as those who so often gave trouble to me and my buddies had a pleasant sight.
- Nope, I think it's so easy? - He replied, pausing for a moment their work, hold the sword in his hands in that position uncomfortable. - If you cut me then someone else will grow back. We're not immortal at all. Sti dicks, though. It hurts the dog. Of ', mica have morphine?
- Idiot, want to have that effect on you? It's stuff for humans.
- You're right. - Snorted him surrender.
- But sorry, if it hurts so much because they do not expect to fall by themselves? I mean, with all the saints who have pulled down today I do not think it takes a lot, and then give you a hand if you want to commit all seven deadly sins. - Ghignai.
For the first, and I think unique, time in my life I saw the terror in the depths of his eyes sparkle. - No. Oh, no, never. It is worse than any torture. It takes centuries to end, ever. But if I do it now - went on a recovering self-confident tone - then I'll be free. We might even get laid. - Added, grinning.
and I remained so, with salt, to wade through two eyes I look like a complete idiot. I mean, Christ, had said fuck. Not so much for the word itself, after all I had heard out of that angelic little mouth. But fuck. With me. Then I felt a jerk to the nth degree because I did not know if mica was serious or what. Maybe the pain was giving to the head. Damn that was discovered only after seriously.
It took a while ', from the absurd position, but eventually the left wing fell to the ground with a muffled thud, soft, and with a slight splash in the pool of blood that had been created at the foot of Phro.
Wow. That is, I had never seen an angel with one wing. It seemed, I dunno, stuff like a surrealistic painting, or those images "is the particular wrong" from week puzzles with those details so gross that I miss you miss it.
Instinctively I got up from where I was curled up and stretched out a hand to his back. - Can I? - I had to ask. I ask permission? Will that really looked so vulnerable, or that I was softening. Perhaps I should I start thinking about what to do with my wings. I liked them, but by fuck we came back there! Thankless job, and without even a decent review, to evil. Just was out. And then, come on, as you'll see that I had every intention of staying with that blue-haired idiot. I then still no, but there I was coming. By degrees, people, step by step. Is not that a devil falls in love with from day to day and even turns into pure sentimentalist novel by Harmony. Not that I have ever read those books, huh.
- A-waiting ... a moment ... - Aphrodite gasped - before I cut the other one ... so then it will not burn ...
was true: a few shots again, and ceased completely to be part of the heavenly hosts. What exactly would become was not, as we did not know what powers he would have lost and what retained.
Sweat dripped from his forehead over his eyes closed in the effort, and resembled more than ever to the many souls who had punished, and had done less damage to them, poor thing. I took some oath of solidarity. In short, you can hurt like a dog that has served you faithfully for ... boh, how many centuries had Phro? That was not the right time to ask the age, then sent back. The fact is that all that pain for an angel, although atypical, it seemed like a petty revenge like human.
With a final stroke of the sword even the right wing fell ground. I saw Aphrodite to leave the grip on the sword, which landed next to the wings with a noise at that moment seemed too strong. Then he slumped to the ground.
My first instinct was to turn away and leave. After all, if he had fainted, did say something like that impression of someone who until a moment before had been so powerful, I would not have been able to do anything but bored. Or take care of him. But I was, a fucking nurse? Nah, no question, I'd be gone. But I wanted to try to touch him, to see if indeed we would not have burned. I would stay only a minute, eh, time posargli a hand on his shoulder, then who on his own, the anarchist, the rebel.
The first thing I felt was a steady hand on my back and immediately after came the pain: it was like having two nails driven into his shoulder blades. With his mind still clouded, it took me a moment before I realized that the hand was Death.
Wow. Apart from the fact that neither my nor his skin were on fire, and this was also predictable, it was amazing that he was still there, and even more so was his gesture, so like a caress. In fact, I just felt it move away, but only a few steps. While I was under arms to try to pull me over I felt his gaze upon him curiously. The muscles were shaking from the effort and My hands slipped on the floor full of blood. I fell face down. Behind closed eyelids I could see thousands of lights dance, such as when the sun sets too long, only to me that I could see God in the face until recently it had never happened.
- Would you mind giving me a hand?
least arrogant tone he had recovered, but the fact that I said the same explicitly asking for help long. And okay, I might do it, just because it was him. Even if someone had a little help against my nature.
I helped him sit up being careful not to accidentally touch the stumps of the wings, which continued to bleed, although a bit ' unless at the beginning.
- not that maybe you are infected? I mean, now you're kind human being, no?
Phro laughed weakly. - And you tell me where can I find here the disinfectant? Or do you think to accompany you to a hospital and explain the whole story?
I pictured the scene of me that I walked into an emergency room with Aphrodite in her arms and explained that "yes, heaven and hell exist, and for that matter even purgatory, but now could you please treat these wounds? Because, you know, here in this blue-haired idiot no, not dyed, for heaven's sake, is an angel, he will have the right to have natural blue hair-you just cut the wings ... No, we do not think God this kind of injury, is a long story ... So fuck's sake, get a doctor or not? It appears that you have seen the devil! Come on, I'm just a devil any, do not be afraid of me ... for today. "
What seemed so comical that I laughed in his throat explained throughout the curtain of my mind. - Come on, let's do it seriously!
- do not.
- How did you boring! I almost prefer you with wings. - Sbuffai, picking up his coat and tore it into strips for bandages. And fortunately I did not want to nurse. One question caught me suddenly. - But then now you're even deadly?
- I have no idea. We'll find out only by living. - Answered with his smile a bit ' bitter and a bit 'ironic.
There was a bucket that collects rain water from one of many holes in the roof that I used to swim a bit 'of the fabric and levargli at least a little' blood off her. Now that I thought, I had never seen as dirty and disheveled at the time. In fact, I had never seen a hair out of place, apart from the lock that had burned during our first encounter. Instinctively, I checked if it was still pink. It was badly caught between his curls and had lost some petals, but somehow did not fall, which seemed to reassure me that for some strange reason I had no desire to discover.
Just when I thought this, Aphrodite put her hand to his left temple, where the system usually pink, to check that it was still there. Her thin fingers trembled almost imperceptibly, and the palm was covered with blood, while the back was white as ever, creating a strange contrast. The grabbed my hand without ceremony for pulirgliela muttering: - No need to make nice now. But yes, your damned flower is still there.
Then I started to feel bad. Fantastic. Not that I had not expected, but it was a hassle at all new to me. Taking care of people was not exactly the main occupation of a devil. I had never seen one of our losing the wings, but I figured it was a long and painful process as the angels. Pretty shit now if It had to happen because of that Oscar. I reluctantly held her up to the broken-down cot in a corner of the room, then I said - I need a little 'air. See you around here, rose. In the meantime, try not to kick the bucket.
Just outside the cabin seemed to be out a long breath. Angel intoxicated me like it was poisonous.
I was dying to do harm to someone or something, that I remembered, was also the reason why I was on Earth that day. Or rather, I realized looking at the starry sky that night.
I noticed you have a hand still dirty with the blood of Aphrodite. We spit on me and hastily wiped on his pants. My anger for being carried away esplose both in mille così lingue di fuoco che gli alberi attaccarono tutto intorno a me.
spiccai Poi il volo per il mio lavoro di shift.
As the light of life
As a clown who cries
Alegria Del
great cry of sorrow crazy
As the rage of love
As an assault Alegria
happiness [Allegria Come the looks
della vita Allegria Come un Pagliaccio
che stupendo Allegria
Della Dello tristezza Serena
Come folle
the rabbia di amare
Allegria Come un assalto di felicità]
A wake was the strong smell of burning, in which my senses traces of sulfur refined seized. Mask that was to be messin as usual, and I would return quietly to sleep if it were not for the ominous crackling of flames, which rapidly was becoming a roar. I managed to sit up, a significant improvement compared to before, and stretched his neck to spy out the window: the forest was burning.
But now you're so deadly?
Mortals die from the fire. I thought of all the souls of women burned by the Church for witchcraft that we had up there. Yes, definitely, mortals die. Tautological. There remained the question of whether I was really one of them. But
I was too used to thinking as a spiritual being, and at most with a body with wings, that I could not be afraid or feel trapped.
With a decent effort I stood up, and I turned my head. A corollary of being nice now that I figured the terrain caused by the loss of blood. I probably also had to think about food, sooner or later. The
not know if I was about to lose my new life just begun I would not worry much, but maybe inside of me still hoped in divine providence. Tsk, not even Lucia had been the Betrothed! Novel unbearable, inter alia, that seems written by one of my former colleagues, one of those people who sits around the time to play the harp for the saints. However
to save itself was the cause of the damage: Death Mask. And if it was divine providence, it meant that the Chief had drastically changed methods in a few hours. Hypothesis unlikely but fun. Mask
there breaking the ceiling fell and threw me a scowl. - Hold on. - Said simply, grabbing for life. In another situation I would have protested that scene style girl to be saved, "but then I found nothing better than to put her arms around his neck and stand strong.
crossed in the air a thick curtain of smoke, finally emerging into the night sky. It was so much that I did not see the stars from the bottom, I thought, since the massacre of St. Bartholomew, when I was a little angel as high as a penny of cheese and I had spent hours in the sky to accompany the souls of the Huguenots. They were so beautiful on the skin and the cold darkness that reassuring, that I wondered why I had dropped almost only during the day in many years.
Then I looked down and saw something almost as spectacular flames. Something so destructive should not have been so fascinating, but I could not look away from those languages red and orange that danced on the tops of the trees and then shoot them down with sudden barrels. Death Mask
imagined that instead should be having a boring and ordinary. It was not just boredom that I picked on her face, and was not certain boredom to push him to land abruptly just beyond the edge of the fire at the foot of the last tree of the forest, whose leaves were just as high on fire.
was exactly for that reason that I decided to cut the wings alone. I imagined that he was suffering the torments of hell, if you grant me the bad pun. Do good, to save people, he was not allowed. If I'd had the energy I would have laughed at you, but I hit the ground back and I was too busy trying not to scream in pain.
The tree behind Death Mask swayed dangerously. Following my gaze, he turned around.
- Look out! - Shouted at once. I made to dodge but I could not not move fast enough.
Suddenly something to me and stood before him, blinded for having stared at the fire, I knew immediately what it was. Then the veil was torn in front of my eyes and shouted Mask of sorrow were his wings, which had opened to protect the tree from falling in flames.
- Cazzocazzocazzo!
- Yes, you're an idiot. Yes, I've saved again. And yes, your wings are broken. Quiet, is soon over.
- It hurts!
I looked up to heaven. - I know it hurts, you idiot.
collapsed on his knees, but do not let go of everything and, trembling, twisted his neck to try to assess the extent of damage. - Fuck.
- You've already said.
- And fuck you too, judgmental! - He shouted, raising an eye on me so damn hurt by human spaventami. He must hate me or love me still much more to address a similar look, but I knew then what they really love and hate?
swallowed and stood in silence as he stood out a dagger from his belt. - Ok, let's finish the job, then.
threw open his eyes in surprise. That he was not convinced of his duties, who think outside the box and all I knew, but I never imagined it would come to this so suddenly. What does it matter that was also my choice? Yet I had never felt the type to need encouragement to make decisions ... How wrong I was! It was not looking for encouragement, I was. It was me he wanted. Me, not my support. Me, I wanted to or not.
In a sense he was lucky, because with the small knife would have been difficult to combine anything. But his wings were nearly broken at the base, and only thin strips of black leather kept them attached to his body. He twisted his arms backwards to reach the shoulders, and with two strokes cut net.
Then he collapsed on his side. Routes the short distance that separated me from him and sat down. I helped him settle down with her head on my legs to be his pillow, and stroked her dark hair, uncombed and sweaty. The gesture came naturally to me, and only after I realized how strange it was. How all was strange.
- You're crazy, you know? - I murmured, my voice, and reveal something that could be affected.
- You're not the first to say so. - He grunted in response.
After that we were so, exhausted and drained, nearby, nearly motionless.
If Adam and Eve discovered their nakedness, thanks to the forbidden fruit, I noticed because of my cold. So I changed position, going to lie down next to Death Mask, nestled against him.
His arms enveloped me. - You have always been very stupid to be an angel. - Muttered, halfway between sleep and wakefulness.
- Now no longer are.
- You're still stupid, though.
- I love you too. - Sghignazzai ironic.
He laughed, and looked at him more and more wanted to laugh too. We had to be really mad, because the more we tried to catch his breath and laughed louder, and we laughed in the forest on fire, and we laughed our weariness and our bodies to pieces, and we laughed about God and Satan, eccheccenefregava us in the world? I give a damn to me Death Mask of the world when it was so close and so beautiful to even look happy, or maybe even looking to seem so happy? So nice to get lost, and stop laughing for a better look, and let your heart laugh ...
Her lips were wet and bitter as burnt. It was only then that I realized that he had never kissed anyone in hundreds of years of life. It was something to which I had never even thought about it, because it was outside the box so that even a fool like me would never have dared to do-Santa Teresa would continue to argue otherwise, but anyone who has been has been an extremely effective damnatio memoriae.
If I had known at the time the use of the lacrimal gland I cried with anger for all that I had lost so far. It was not a purely physical, oh no, it would be too simple. It was the desire of him, to him as Death Mask, for the person he was and the things he did and things he said, and it was he and no one else in the world. I realized that I had never really wanted someone or something before: all my little quirks of recent times could not be called true desires, and vanished in the face of enormous candles as poor in the sunlight. In my long life, but God was so short it looked empty at first-I followed only what they had created could not be called-orders, but neither will-and then only at the whim of the moment.
In all this, even though I was angry as never before, I could feel happy. Really happy.
I do not know. I could sum it all up in a "wow", but I think would not suffice. Or maybe you would too.
Angels do not sweep, but the devils sometimes yes. We were, that were permitted and indeed encouraged to do anything distracting there. But I had never kissed anyone, not just exist as a concept, imagine. I was bitten, scratched, sexually assaulted, caressed, but never kissed.
lips Aphrodite had that disgusting sweetness you'd expect from someone who has always lived up clouds of cotton candy. It was better than anything I had ever felt before. I handed him a hand behind his head to push it more towards me, and my fingers are entangled in her hair. My my my my! The best booty of all time, because I I was his as much as it was mine. It looked like a deadly trap. Indeed it was: humans, who have more experience of such trouble, they call it love. I felt
stringermisi against Aphrodite, and her skin was cool against mine. I could stay like this forever, and I am not exaggerating because eternity I've seen up close. But then those who wanted to eternity, if you could get even a single moment with Phro? And who wanted a moment, if you could have days and nights? And at what would be crazy enough when there was only one kiss you whimpered against him? I was certainly mad, but not to the point of giving up even one millimeter of him. Mio
It did not matter if every move was a bad dog twin wounds on our backs, when I could fondle the breast of a fire burning very different from divine punishment.
Before I had only made worthwhile, sometimes, but understand them now, humans, who continued to sin even knowing the punishment. Because I understood what it meant to really want. Why had it been my fate to hell I would come back as a victim rather than perpetrator, but with a smile that ten thousand years of torment could not tear. What they tried to convince me that it was wrong, to convince those who twist the hands of Aphrodite, kissing her cheeks, biting her neck, touch her legs, stroking her arms was deserving of punishment!
I listened to the crazy beat of his heart. I never imagined that something as mundane as a medium body that pumps blood could talk . Because this was exactly what he was doing the heart of Aphrodite, with those beats that seemed to caress my every change of pace. I whispered to continue, he shouted his anger for not being woken up before, telling me how good it was to beat right there, in that breast so beautiful, and Aphrodite to beat anyone else in the world even at the cost of breaking out now.
I felt pulling up from her arms still finding myself face to face with him. This time the biting more than kiss her lips, but without hurting him. It felt so absurd to wish that he was all right, crazy for me that I had spent centuries to destroy and strike. And suddenly I did not know what more I could have found us, what I had sent on for centuries.
Oh, I bet you thought I was soft and sweet
You thought an angel swept you off your feet
When Aphrodite lay on his back and drew me to her I hesitated for fear of hurting him. It was only a second, heh. I was not so sentimental all of a sudden become not expect what I wanted for a couple of stupid injuries. But the moment was enough to understand what I was going through his mind.
- I believe you have a soft spot for how I fell before. But I assure you they are much less tender than it looks.
My hands slid over her body-the eternal, that body! - And rallied around his buttocks. - I look very soft hand.
He said nothing and went towards me, letting slip something very like a groan of appreciation, first to reach down to my neck with his teeth those murderers. It was biting and sucking, and I touched his tongue. I think I got an electric shock straight at him.
His hands had melted while the embrace that was crushing me and I was pulling my pants. Touched me, touched me, me, ah, literally sent me into ecstasy with nothing. One moment it was there that he was fiddling with my pants and the next moment he was again lying, legs wide open as if he had done nothing in his life, just to make me lose all control. I was drunk with him, I was intoxicated him more time than I could ever admit. But that night was already turning into days I was even more. And if I wanted a moment to remember, well '... I had it, but I do not remember clearly when my fingers made their way inside him before or after being caught in his bandages, the same bands that I had done in what looked like a previous life-that was another life-and can not remember if he was the first to shout my name at the silent sky, clinging to my hips and scratch the back, or if it was me, and sank between her thighs, a groan as one of the whores that many times I had dragged down the brothels of the Earth. Again and again sank into him, who welcomed me was meeting my thrusts and panting on the ears.
was all that being the body, not anything else. That's why he was special. Because the other was, after all we still had the soul, but that was lost the instant and in each other as if we had lost consciousness. It was just hear: hear her sweating skin slippery against mine, was to feel her hair between his fingers as he kissed her again, was to feel every muscle tense as they would never claim at any other time. It was there, it was time. And we were there. And I was overwhelmed with happiness.
a) The scene where Phro you cut the wings is all the fault of a scene from the movie X-Men. I am innocent!
b) The relationship between body / mind / body / spiritual several bales was heavily influenced by Bleach.
c) For all of this stain to me are disgustingly autopromptata (in case you're wondering who spit in my eye / build an altar for having caused such a masterpiece / horror).
d) I loved writing this fanfiction More Than Should allow decency.
e) The Night of San Bartolomeo , Paris 1572.
f) St. Teresa of Avila: just look as portrayed Bernini to understand how to resemble its mystical ecstasy orgasms. And no, not me this time that are blasphemous, it was she who wrote in his diary things incredibly ambiguous.
Wm Rogers & Son Aa Butter Knife
TITLE: The rage of love
GENRE: drama, supernatural
WARNINGS: AU where Aphrodite is Diemme an angel and a devil, WTF nth degree, yaoi, blasfemume varied liters of blood, language from port (one day or another cut the tongue Cancer), narrated first-person alternately by the two (I repeat my intention to cut the language that dyslexic Cancer. I swear, I do not write like that! But since
CHARACTERS: Death Mask and Aphrodite
Word count: 8386 (total of two chapters)
NOTE: It must have been just a PWP for p0rnfest # 3 @
Angel Deathy referenced at the beginning is such a thing .
SOUNDTRACK: I would say almost mandatory, as without all this would not have been born: Cirque du Soleil - Alegria (it's sung in English, English and Italian).
him, the blue-haired idiot, he was an angel once. It was not clear who the fuck do gliel'avesse made to tear the wings of a well. I mean, it was beautiful, as beautiful as ... be 'an angel. And from a face-and body, eternal gods, who body! - so you would expect all the good of the world. But no: that could have heaven and gone but the bastard can do it in peace. I like to believe that she did for me, but to understand who the fuck that idiot with his hair blue?
There were many ways to lose the wings, but was never certain, however, was a long process and very painful. There were no written laws, precise. The will of God, that was perfect and immutable, but we simply could not know angels. Sure, put a sign with the rules of entry would have eased the way for everyone, but you could not go to God the Almighty of monotheists-to complain of such trifles. Every now and then we talked to Athena, who was retired but remained one with whom one could argue, one that knew what he meant Justice.
fact is that I was bored. I was already tired before you even know what the hell stupid, but it was he gave me the final push.
must be said that we had just found: he had had enough and I hell of heaven. Not that it was not an asshole emeritus, of course: he was born and the devil-devil would die if we were mortal. It was just that torture the souls of sinners began to get on his nerves, perhaps because he behaved like them.
"They're just poor people, staminchia" I always said, "For some fuck too much, binge, or some of the money spent so badly need to torture them forever?"
I agreed.
In short, we were all too human for our roles. But it was not always that easy, they were not, as they say, all rosy.
Alegria I see a spark of life shining Alegria
I hear a young minstrel sing Alegria
Beautiful roaring scream Of joy and sorrow, So extreme
There is a love in me raging Alegria
A joyous, magical feeling
Allegria I see a gleaming spark of life
Allegria I hear a young minstrel sing Allegria
Beautiful roaring scream Of joy and pain so extreme
There is love in me raging Allegria
A feeling of joy, magic]
Remember our first meeting looks like a stuff queers silly, but I must admit that it was a great cool. One thing that is worth telling, in fact. You know those
angeloni of baroque sculpture, like ancient Greek armed with lots of leather skirt, shin guards, sword in hand and not just look peaceful? Here, Phro was exactly like that. A show. And he came down to me: I was doing the casino on Earth, and his boss had sent him. What then to think well, if God is omniscient, would also have known how it would be over between us. So why the fuck just sent him, eh? We see that or not so powerful or what he wanted. But honestly, the second seems unlikely. To end one of his precious angels into the hole in the bed-and-a devil? Nope, I do not believe me even if it is to tell him in person. I mean, I know that the old man misfires. Zeus would be to say, maybe there is a little thought on the idea to dethrone him as he did with his father Kronos. So shut the hell that is a real shit, and reopen the Hades, the Elysian Fields and the rest. Not that there were, at the time: I'm young, I. But from what I said Proserpina seems an interesting place. Ok, maybe she is not exactly objective, as it is in love with the king of that place-and I did not Smena with the Stockholm syndrome: the end is really in love, end of story.
But I digress again. For centuries, the centuries-not-joke that I put together a coherent discourse. I guess all that tortured souls in torment me to hit the nerves. It was also fun, at first, only that all the long weary. That is, almost everything Phro I do not have stew.
Anyway, back to us. Our first meeting. I'll be around to spread plague in Sicily if I remember correctly, and suddenly I find myself in front of 'I'm part of a boy all shining with divine grace-a good look at him I realized that I was already beginning to crack, which, I swear, glitter seemed to spread, than it is in those type rivistacce Top Girl. C'aveva an angelic smile but tended to sneer, and a rose in her hair. Instead of worrying about that one so let him filled me with blows, the first thing I did was to laugh. It was not crazy-that is, maybe yes, but to a limited extent. And then do not say that those who know they can not be mad really mad? However, dropping the arguments that they bite the tail, the fact was that this was shamefully pink fucking ridiculous. I mean, you find yourself in front of a fully armed with a lot of sword with both hands, ready to fight for ancestral struggle between good and evil ... with a red rose in her hair?
But the weirdest thing was that the idiot in question is not in any way offended by my outburst of laughter. He stood still puffing just a little '.
- Fa 'return to hell you got sick, or fiend! - Exclaimed. But there was something in his voice that did not return: it was as if he were repeating a chant now venutagli boring. - In the name of the Lord, let these innocent life!
- Who do you think you are? The Archangel Gabriel?
I never discovered if it were true, but in my part Gabry was known as the most badass of the heavenly hosts, what made you into a slices less than a blink of an eye with one hand while the other deseeded rosary. The classic enemy would not want to meet but, in fact.
- Tsk, imagine if an Archangel to bother someone like you!
What bored me so much was the lack of enemies at my height. An angel like you must really love peace, and fight only when absolutely necessary.
After the first taste of the excitement of battle, however, I no longer had could not help it. I liked to fight. Perhaps that is why I was always sent on missions for the Earth resembled belled rather than confrontation with the devil. Other angels came back and wound up covered in blood, bone broken, torn wings, I thing, fresh as a daisy. It was for that that I began to put the flower in her hair every time he went down. My enemies could not even ruffled. And then do some 'sin of vanity was a thing that had its charm, at the time. I was like a kid on the threshold of adolescence, which is the first bea small rebellions, unaware of the true shit then she turns in her life.
Ah, yes, sometimes I lose some dirty word. Of course it's all because of the bad influence of Death.
So the day I met him I thought him an enemy like the others, useless.
- It 's become a habit to fight the girls or just you so, there? - Mocked me, not at all intimidated. Not that I had ever seen a devil show signs of fear.
However, technically, we angels-the angels curse the angels!, I still talk like I'm one of them-they would not have sex, but to move in the earthly world needs a body, which is assigned at birth, and that is often the soul is bound, especially if you spend much time down. For what was often the wounds were so deep on Earth to leave real scars.
be called a 'girl' then it struck me that much. I was pretty sure I am not a female, on a purely theoretical but my body would not count for much. Indeed it was more a matter of habit, I think: they were not to think about much at that time.
- Actually, - I said - so beautiful it's just me.
Before I finish my sentence, I threw myself forward to hit, and a part of me was happy to know that I would be the last thing that those eyes would have been laid.
I had a surprise.
- Ah ah ah! You have the reflexes of a boy! - Grinned the devil, now at a safe distance from my sword, which had only touched the brown chest and muscular. Instead of taking
smiled smugly. At least he was able to dodge a few shots. Who knows, maybe I'm not there I could have fun for a few minutes.
short, the Oscar does nothing but smile. 'Fuck the smiles! I wanted to fight, and he did not take me seriously! I was absurd anger mounted in less than a second, that it was not so strange, but anyway, I was ready to massacre as it should.
idly twirling the fork as I did was the walking stick of some dandy London to show that even I was taking it too seriously. But then I took a desire in the chest. I would have liked to play a little 'cat and mouse, but I learned that it is very stupid not to hit an opponent when he has the opportunity, as this seems to us weak. And I do not even seem to Aphrodite a fighter from peanuts.
In fact all I could do was leave a scratch on his armor, while the air abruptly moved from his wings I slapped his face.
growled floor, while his sword whistled a few millimeters from my ear. Having to avoid the shots so quickly they do not have time to answer or block the enemy gun is unnerving. I tried to attack from below, but my roar trident met his sword.
- Tsk. - Angel was the derogatory comment. But a wild light gleaming behind the smile of superiority at the bottom of the thin blue eyes.
- "Tsk" a nice pair of balls! I still think you're slow-
- You were saying? - Took me around suddenly appear very close. But that was teleported? Well, too bad, I thought, issuing a blaze.
if he took it in full. It did not give him a scratch. Motionless, looking at me smiling, and it was no no with the index. - The Evil must be running out of soldiers by sending us people like you.
seemed to have fun as a child to get around. You see that was a who liked to play with fire. Interesting: I did not think there were people like him in the highest.
tried again to attack him, grinning with satisfaction. I started to move to the right, but then I took the left. The angel was disoriented for less than a second, and still parried the blow with his sword, while finding in a very awkward position. Then scatenai flames in my face. He managed to dodge just in time. Well, almost. The left side of his face was soon blackened by smoke, while the rose that made me laugh so much was burned along with a few locks of her hair. Overall, however, no one seemed that he was fighting with me. Well, usually my opponents after all that time there were at least exhausted and half dead!
Not to mention the irritating phlegm of that angel. He wiped his cheek with one hand, then straightened her hair behind her ear, flying at a safe distance. But if you look closely looked pissed. It was not for that stupid pink?
fact is that less than one second after I found myself having to dodge lightning, followed immediately by the sword of Aphrodite that I left a scratch on his neck.
- If the first in many years that manages to hit me. - She admitted. Then he tried to clean off his head.
Obviously he could not. But he took a nail in his arm, and his most precious blood stained the white sleeve of his tunic.
- We'll have go to the laundry. Uh, like I'm sorry!
- But you do not walk for a lifetime, right? According to me once even your pants were white. Then Thou him when you were told you had to fight.
So, in short, given that our power was equal, we ended up at groped shots here and there without conviction, insulting in the most idiots in the world. Looking back I wonder how it was possible. I mean, logically, if we were both so strong, we should reduce us hurt each other, and this time I would not be here to tell it.
And indeed, to further insult to all logic, we stopped at the end as well, exhausted. We were to look in his eyes no longer want to do anything.
- usually human beings when they encounter an enemy worthy of the fight at the end they shake hands. - Finally, I suggested, just to say a provocative bullshit. But it would be fun to really shake the hand of an angel. In fact, in theory, all contact was strictly forbidden, but I did never see such strange fall and I did become one of ours. If it had happened once might happen again, right? We did not have to be made of material so different after all.
- You can not. - He said without conviction.
- Fuck the law.
Aphrodite shook her head. - Not a question of law, I mean that no-
imprudently, the tranciai half the sentence and grabbed his hand. Burned. Burned. Our hands, I mean. Excruciating pain. I cried and I snapped back. - Asshole! I thought the fight was over!
Angel snorted. - It was not me. - With enviable patience, she explained, holding her hand burned with each other but without the slightest expression of pain in the voice - That 's what I was saying before. There can be no contact between us and you. That is why even though we are immortal beings we can kill each other. And thanks to your stupidity will be a miracle if I remain scars on the hand.
- So much for the miracles you give them so much per pound as apples, no? - I blurted out, imagining God as a giant grocery store and depressed by not being able to defeat the employee of a grocery store. However, it says "Read more of the devil", but I can assure you that Phro knew more than me. About everything.
- apple you should not even talk about it. - Aphrodite replied sarcastically - that serpent of your head combined with one more trouble than you all put together do not ever combine.
I could not help laughing, and eventually we left almost unscathed either.
But do you think about me they did get away? Eh, no. My oddities were tolerated, but exceeded certain limits was starting to become a dangerous subversive. It was not so much the fact that it did not defeat my enemy, which was objectively strong, unmistakable as the burn on my right hand.
even I was afraid of being unable to return to Earth, but fortunately my punishment did not last long. When I us back but it was not to fight but to announce to an old religious vocation now rusty from grace God was with him. Commonplace, in short, but better than staying up there for the rest of eternity. Now, you need a clarification: there is a reason why heaven is heaven and hell is hell, and my house was certainly an amazing place, or so I was always felt, the fact is that if I was still too long I began to feel a prisoner. That was why I loved so much come down to Earth, not because he found it objectively more beautiful than heaven.
When I came to the convent where she was the elder brother, however, I sensed immediately that something was wrong. It stinks of sulfur. I should be worried, but I could not suppress a smile, perhaps I had the opportunity to fight.
I rushed to the monk's cell, which was just then entering a demon. Ah-ah, believed to have me knocked on time!
- In nomine Patris , vade retro, servus Satanae ! - I shouted. A human being might have hesitated wondering whether or not to hit you from behind, but in my mind that option simply does not exist. An angel is not allowed to be unfair even if his opponent is a devil, then the idea was repugnant to me as a warrior as well as a servant of the Lord.
The devil in question turned in surprise.
If it was my habit I swore heavily: it was the same one that had fought years first, the one that I had yielded a long exile from Earth. Bizarre and unfortunate coincidence, if you had come to know. Of all the demons that hell could vomit, why him?
Not bad, I told myself, this time I would have defeated in no time at all. Why would
defeated, right?
Here, that's right: no. Another did nothing but destroy our fun for an entire wing of the monastery. And of course to those who touched replace everything after? Who had to rebuild the walls and manipulate minds because they forget that sight?
However, in one way or another even managed to complete my original mission, and this time without burning embarrassing. I hoped that that was the last time I saw Death Mask. I prayed that it was the last. But when did
prayers are answered? I swear that if I had not seen it with my eyes I began to doubt the existence of God, I limited myself to doubt its usefulness when I saw that devil for the third time.
I was on top of a mountain in the Alps I had no particular reason to be there, I just defeated a demon nearby and thought I had to restrain myself to enjoy the show. I loved the rocky peaks that emerged in the middle of the dark white snow, too steep because this could have depositarvisi.
I was staring at a summit in the distance, when a noise beneath me distracted me, and I saw an avalanche that was pulling its flying over the ridge at the time, accompanied by the eternal smell of sulfur. Do not think that all misfortunes are caused by a demon lying in wait: it was just my bad luck, or luck? - Always happen to me in the presence of emissaries of Lucifer.
- But porcaccia a misery! There was no one in the dry 'is fucking lot! So what do I loose? - A voice was screaming just below me. A voice now worryingly familiar.
- You again? - Blurted gliding towards the peak on which was perched beautifully, like a bird of prey with large black wings folded almost like a cloak. She gave me a look just
a bit 'surprised. - I? It is you who are always among the balls.
- Goodness! - Esalai - I think I heard more profanity in the last two hundred years now.
- What is it, want to wash my mouth out with soap? - He grinned.
- I want to disintegrate, the mouth, along with everything else. But it seems disgustingly difficult. - It was not cowardice, my own, but the knowledge that we would be finished in a tie again seemed almost more annoying that not fighting at all.
- You do not really want?
I stared at him dumbfounded. Why I should not wish for the death of a devil?
- Maybe I'm sympathetic. - Death Mask grinned.
was then that I realized the the fact that it was completely crazy. Curiously, however, that phrase I installed himself in the head with annoying insolence, as if it was true.
- Well, listen little angel, I'd love to stay here and talk to you, but I innocents exterminated, and other souls who buy commissioncine to the Head. A bore, you know, but I have to. - He spread his wings, and as he went, while I, crazier than him, let him go - he turned and shouted, laughing: - Ah, anyway my name is Death Mask, in case you want to come looking for me.
- And my name Aphrodite, in case you want to know the name of what you will do your skin!
See, right. Just look at how we finished.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Cancer Awarness Color For Throat Cancer
Titolo: Anche gli dei ridono - Even the gods laugh
Rating: PG
Conteggio Parole: 200 + 100 + 105 (OO)
Personaggi/Pairing: Saka di Virgo/Mu di Aries
Avvertimenti: yaoi, comico
Challenge: Special #6 @
Prompt-regalo ricevuto: 3. You can't cling to a reputation (Maxïmo Park), 5. The eye of the storm (The Kills), 10. It's getting out of hand (Joy Division)
Note: Oggi la consecutio temporum mi odia.
Sono stata ispirata da questa bellissima fanart , che -sigh- NON è mia (e non ho la più pallia idea di cosa ci sia scritto sotto, essendo giapponese).
It's getting out of hand
Da tempo le stelle non celavano più presagi minacciosi, ma costellazioni amiche, splendenti nella quieta maestà della notte estiva.
Shaka e Mu erano nello Sharasoju per godere di quello spettacolo sorseggiando del tè.
Il lemuriano, accaldato, si raccolse i capelli sulla nuca in un nodo disordinato.
- Così styled look just like a woman! - Shaka grinned.
- Close your eyes and think of your, hair, Santone oxygen! - Mu said piqued - I'm not used to tropical climates like you. Umpf!
- When you make some faces look like Kiki. - The enlightened one laughed, heedless of the air that scratched the earth with their hooves, ready to gore with a Starlight Extincion.
His laughter did not stop crystalline; Mu acted.
cups of tea went flying out of their hands, and they found themselves on the grass at bathrobe like children.
Realizing what they were doing laughed, having the good taste not to be taken to once, too seriously.
- What did you say I look like?
- A woman. - Buddha insisted, narrowly missing the lover's face with his fist, which left a rather large crater in the lawn. - I'll have to call again the gardener, damn Aries!
The eye of the storm
The perfect calm of a Mu Shaka had often seemed like a joke.
Maybe he was calm, but what about those around him? Fear, respect, reverence, the attraction swirled around the protector of the temple of the Virgin as a cyclone which he was the eye still.
attraction. Maybe that actually spun only from the parts of Mu. Or at least that was what he hoped to: the Rams can be very jealous.
Knight, back to the ground, left to drown Shaka, sitting comfortably on top of him, the peaceful expression.
- I closed my eyes. Happy?
Mu snorted.
You can not cling to a reputation
then poured Shaka.
- No.
The Indian caught him by the collar and if you pulled on him. The stuck his tongue in his mouth without notice, leaving him gasping. Then he resumed the fight, taking advantage of the opponent distracted.
But the keeper of the first house it was all a bronze, and gave him a hard time.
- Were not you the calm and staid, venerable Virgo? - Mu grinned trying to catch his breath after another match of that delightful melee.
- And you were not a tipino rather sweet and quiet? - Shaka retorted, wrists imprisoned at the hands of the partner and the grass to pinch back.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Good Dates For Griha Pravesh 2010
GENRE: Drama
WARNINGS: One Shot, slight shonen-ai
CHARACTERS: Sion, Saga, Mu
NOTES: This fic won my first contest held by redseapearl "Multifandom: Evanescence contest." What can I say? I was moved. I dedicate this fic to my Doko, to my and my Mu Shaka. \u0026lt;3
Final First Place
grammar and syntax: 9
Perfect grammar, syntax, and good rich vocabulary is extensive. Smoothness and impeccable punctuation. Only in some places becomes rather difficult to understand the text and therefore is slowed down a bit 'reading. But otherwise nothing to say.
Relevance to the theme: 9
Inspired by a phrase from the song you wrote a concept not easy but I must say that you managed to make it very well! Characterization
Character: 10
I do not give out the maximum vote to this entry but I must say here that we want to own. Zion is perfectly characterized by: a man devoted to justice before his illness and his death is always thinking to Athena and its successor, and the affection for his little pupil, which makes it very human but noble at the same time, Saga possessed by the evil at times but regained the reason that soon after becoming permanently lost Ophion.
Originality: 9
The death of the former High Priest killed by Saga, but especially the use of mythological characters of Ophion and Eurynome you have permission to take a vote so high. The idea of sickness and old age of Sion, the way it made her very tangible and suffering are heard. Beautiful in my opinion the scene when the clash with Saga in which for a moment he sees the Elysium and after seeing this return to his imminent death!
Total: 37/40
≈ Possessing
" I have to be with you to live, to breathe.
You got me. "
Taking Over Me - Evanescence
was ill and he felt in his bones through his veins in his brain. The illness was slowly taking possession of him.
since he had noticed she could no longer raise his arm above his head, or getting up from a chair without the help of a maid, had established the presence of the evil which nestle in him because of age advanced.
Nobody could take care of the supreme healer, no one could heal the Great Priest.
And there, in the cradle precious two rooms above her, resting the baby Athena cloaked in delicate lace and veils. Thought he saw her move with small hands, human, and curl his mouth into a sweet face. Sion was again moved by the love that the Goddess showed just down to the humans to protect them and save them from the darkness.
often had pushed to keep the small arms among the old, so thin yet so noble, while copious tears coming down her cheeks, but noting that it could no longer hold even a small weight, he preferred not to Athena and the great risks run in the care of attendants last temple.
His eyes narrowed and turned the sheets of his bed, white, light, similar to the birthplace of the goddess, when they were a few maids to help him get off and get dressed.
I am a sick old man, he thought. The Sanctuary needs a young priest and strong.
Among the skirts of young girls, Sion saw a familiar face to which he devoted the last years of its existence. The small Mu, whose green eyes were the best I had ever seen, came up with respect to the imposing bed and looked down, mimicking a respectful bow.
Sion smiled and put her hand to stroke his cheek. Her adorable Mu was an exemplary priest, as he had learned from him many arts and many notions of a degree far superior to the other knights of gold. The only problem that prevented his appointment was the child's age, seven years ...
The maids waited on the door, then the High Priest waved goodbye and those who had to hide in the shadows of the palace, awaiting the moment doffing of man.
"Little Mu." She whispered, her voice deep grooves of the disease. The child, who had met the teacher several times in his private chambers, he climbed on the bed with respect, crouching between the arm and chest of the elderly man. He shook the hem of her dress, her lips curving down, and dared to raise his eyes on her.
For its part, the high priest had never so loved that ally prohibited from entering into private rooms or keep him company for a few minutes before dressing. As long as he had trained in Jamir, a place so dear, he got to spend with him most of the day, but received the armor of Aries - Once appartenutagli - Mu could be seen only in the morning and the teacher to a meal (it was customary to call one or more of Zion Knights to keep him company, Mu, and was always among them).
"Teacher." Whispered Mu. "... She shudders."
Wrinkles on the sides of the mouth of Zion thickens. Ignore the trembling of his arm had been difficult but not impossible, but hide it from others was almost a utopia. Stroked the hair of the child, affectionate.
"Every senior trembles." Hastened to respond, noting the old hand, curled, a gentle and snowy weather. "Awesome because its members are no longer necessary, and his heart rate ignores the pain of the body."
"Master, if you ask the maids to bring cold other blankets."
The ingenuity of Mu Sion made her smile. He saw a bit 'self in the face of the child himself, he saw a young, stubborn, handsome, a self that was not a priest and did not believe that it would never become, a self that looked exactly like his old master Mu was with him, gently, thoughtfully, lovingly.
did not know if the Lord of Jamir, so they called him, he used his face in the mirror. Zion I certainly would have been proud, but at the same time wondered how he could stand comparison with him. Wise
how? Strong like? Or ... no?
E Mu? Mu suffered upon himself the comparison with the high priest of his master?
Zion's still stirred her hair.
"Mu, of course it is hard to hide something." He smiled, wished to lie. "I fear that the autumn this year is colder than usual. "
" He wants to ask that the blankets? "
" No, Mu little. "and pressed him in the chest in that picture as intimately as melancholy. "A High Priest must be virtuous, not spoiled. Also, I'll take off my few minutes, and you must wear the remains of Aries. "
Mu covered her mouth with one hand. Would have seemed embarrassed at all except in Sion, whose wrinkles of the eyelids slowly softened.
"You are my beloved disciple, it is true. However, six the knight of Aries, and you do not longer allowed to introduce the high priest without your holy armor. "she whispered.
Suddenly, a tremor ran through the the right shoulder and paralyzed his arm, which fortunately was not one with which caressed Mu. Sion tried to lift his fingers, he struggled to control his hand, but every joint, every muscle ached more than any attack suffered in battle.
paid no attention to the response of Mu, and if they repented. His eyes pointed at the limb aching with hope you can order with a glance, the immediate recovery. A crescent-shaped scar, which was based on the index knuckle and ended up one of the little finger, and the pulsing vividly reminded all of a sudden a few weeks before the event.
's eyes widened. If
had not seen, would never have remembered that scar because he had reason to exist. Mu silence, worried, noting the loss of the teacher, Sion himself realized that the gaps in his memory began to take shape with bullying, throwing him into the darkest affliction to army chief of saints, there was an old man and weak.
invalid A man, admitted his conscience. What injures himself.
"Master, you feel ill?"
That chalice, the chalice that held it was crushed on the table prepared, oh, goddess of mercy, only you could understand how much the scene has upset the anguish and the Priest ' mood of those present: Mu had thrown the pieces to raise the hand of Zion, and atrophied because of the accident, Sagittarius, conscious of the increasing age of the priest was ordered to remain calm to reassure her brother Leo, in tears at the mere sight of blood (there was a time when Leo s'impressionava, and then laughing or crying, time to leave came when he took away the evil god good god).
How can I defend the Goddess? wondered, and covered his eyes with his good hand of Mu. I'm not able, I'm not able.
slid a tear on his face faded.
I ...
Mu could not see, so Sion granted another tear.
appoint my successor.
The pain in his right arm quieted, but not fooled by Sion quell'effimera feeling of salvation. He could not write or eat. He could not hold his goddess, nor embrace his pupil.
The disease was a large black spot, a stain of ink, which flowed into his body infecting its cells, once precious pages for the entire Sanctuary. It was owned by a huge physical evil.
today. Today will appoint my successor.
"Do not ... do not cry." Mu spoke, despite blindfolded. Sion had told a lie, that was hard to hide something, but could not ignore the strong bond that bound him to the little boy nestled against his chest.
few were the last descendants of the continent of Mu, and its two representatives were Aries and the Great Priest. Perhaps wearing the same armor and hardened a child of his own character had created a contact between the brain, stimulated both the skill possessed telepathic.
There were times when Sion peered into the mind of Mu, was reading his fears, his ambitions, and they were also times when Zion became an open book, perhaps dusty and long, but full of wise words that Mu had learned to know and love.
What was happening was exactly that, though Mu was to take the first step in the psyche of the master. The encircled his neck with thin arms (the label, Mu, it did not matter) and inspired her unique scent of jasmine, lavender and jasmine.
In the past, Sion had anything smell. Her skin was marked on the essence of the lychee, the most sublime fruit, abandoned to wear the helmet of the priest.
love one person at the cost of alienating the entire world is important protect the justice told him who wore litchi in his life, and their love. But Zion could no longer share this thought once awarded the maximum grade the officiating, and thought it well to say goodbye to the past, to build a wall between Sion and Priest, changing even the fragrance itself.
"You are the noblest man I know. And the strongest. "Mu said.
China whispered something, but the child's voice was clearer: "I'll be like her."
With the healthy arm, encircled the shoulders of Mu and drew him even closer. He was not afraid to die, Zion, was not afraid to die or not to age or to cope with the disease. Sion was afraid of failing to protect the great Athena and make mistakes in naming his successor.
Sion was not afraid to be himself.
"You do no wrong." He whispered in the boy, convinced and determined. "His choice will be respected by all."
A heart and mind open, Sion sighed.
"The mouth of the river reminds the elderly ... "and Mu, the river, looked timid in Sion, the mouth. "... That the source is not choice, but to emerge, because it is the source. And the source is nothing but a graceful dance in which everything comes down to a girl who loves his creations. "
Eurynome danced with him, burst open the eyes and showed him the source. Zion, rose just come to his senses right arm and a bell rang so came the attendants, kissed the student in her hair and pulled himself out of bed as much as possible.
Eurynome danced, danced, danced, but was just above the Ophion, hiding his light was not clear why the mother goddess in Sion riemergesse not from the darkness as it had in myth, and considered this as an ominous warning .
The disease was a large black spot, a stain of ink, which flowed into his body infecting its cells, once precious pages for the entire Sanctuary. It was owned by a huge physical evil.
disease Gemini was a big spot black, an ink stain, which flowed into his body infecting its cells, once precious pages for the entire Sanctuary. It was owned by a great evil.
see him get the altitude of the Stars, a place where only the High Priest could enter, he was disarming. The arm, no arms of Zion both ached, his body shaking uncontrollably and her face was sweaty, waxy.
Gemini would have thought that he was scared to death, but do not think so, because Ophion was in him. And Zion had rightly recognized Eurynome appointed successor, while Ophion rages on him. The first shot
came close to the heart.
lost the helmet, be returned to Zion of Jamir.
seemed to have opened a way for him bright, full of lush trees, litchi, pointing to the sky. He took a step and touched a branch, but his hand slipped. If he said.
It was not the hand of an old man, no, it was white and smooth, soft, smooth, not unlike that of the reborn Athena or small Mu.
not explain why it was learned from the way he found himself shining in the palace of the Star Hill, leaning against a column, smeared with blood, gasping: his clothes were heavy, ripped at the heart.
He felt possessed.
from me. I have.
Behind him, a grotesque to him that he could have also Ophion Gemini, and everything about him screamed malignancy. He approached the old priest, who had heroically resisted the attack: any rider would have died instantly.
I am sick and wounded.
groaned, leaned forward.
I have to protect the divine Athena!
slammed against huge glass window that he, himself, had wanted to place on the height of the Stars. Not for vanity, far from it: a glimpse of his image gave Sion, while still a young priest, the certainty of not being alone.
Why was the High Priest, but hidden in his soul, even Zion.
spat blood ended up on the reflection of his face. One eye was closed, the other continued to watch, powerless to the death of its owner. Gemini And he laughed, he laughed and growled, raised a gold dagger and burst into tears.
If Zion had died, the goddess would be in danger. No one could tell Eurynome except him, no one felt Eurynome, please! But Ophion was too close to escape it.
Zion was able to make a fist, the fist with the crescent, and banging on the glass. Primal's treacherous scratched his cheek, splinters friends came up with the body of Ophion.
A snake, however, is slippery, a snake does not die because it is attacked by case basis. A snake Ophion die if Eurynome kills him, otherwise he will reign in the chaos.
"Athena ..." Zion groaned.
Crescent bled.
the dagger from the heart behind the torture.
Ophion laughed and cried, but at the same time either laughing or crying. Ophion owned Gemini, Gemini had Zion, and Zion had owned the Great Priest.
Death is coming down on Zion, both Gemini. The sword hovered over the heart with no life of Zion, which he had before him only the way of litchi, the path of light, and the Lord of Jamir who took his hand and said, "My disciple."
Athena crying in his cot.
The mirror shattered everything to the last convulsive movement of the old: the glass and a body fell on the marble streaked with blood, and everything seemed to join in the dance of spring Eurynome. China cried mercy, the river could not find the mouth: the blood of Zion wet his lips as he did once fresh litchi juice ...
The High Priest had left that Zion die owning it. On the ground, his face torn, tortured his chest, the heart of the Zion Jamir, devoted to Athena.
E Ophion dropped his dagger, but not Eurynome came to punish him. He was crying, just crying. Now.
Ophion Now that was not there.
Saga of Gemini Ophion was killed for a few seconds, allowing your mind to possess them. He could finally breathe, could live.
Living a life after death ...
Ophion returned.
"Owning ... I can not ..." he thought, Saga, accepting Ophion. He bent over the body of Zion, stripped him, left him on the floor without any care as he prepared to pose as High Priest. "I I possess."
Saga - not Ophion - cursed Zion. He had managed to die possess, but he does not like to live.
≈ Taking Over Me is a song by Evanescence, and I interpreted in a manner other than that common. For Ophion and Eurynome Pelasgian I refer you to the myth of creation for me is very nice, not at all inferior to that of Uranus and Gaia. Regarding the death of Zion, I had read that he was sick in the last years of his life, but obviously it was a fanmade. I adopted the same for this fiction, pardon the freedom \u0026lt;3
Friday, January 1, 2010
How To Buy Any Colour Puffle Without Being Member
Last edit: 16/10/2010
| | | | | | |
| matricons | H | shizu9 & | S in g ♪ Stark Sands ♥ | ♪ Lady Gaga ♪ Vampire Weekend ♪ Local Natives ♪ Imogean Heap S | on g | s
| | January | oo1. I'm Not Your Toy; La Roux | oo2. Scared to Feel; Leila Broussard | | What Sarah Said, Death Cab for Cutie |
oo5. Tik Tok; Ke $ ha | February | oo6. Speechless | ; Lady Gaga | oo7. Fireflies;Owl City oo8. Sweet Disposition; | The Temper Trapoo9. Groundhog Day here; Malika Ayane | o1o. Throughout his life, Noemi | O11. Luckily,
O12. Still Believe me;
Marco Mengoni
o22. Telephone;
Lady Gaga feat Beyonce
o24. A Crippling Blow;
The Killers
o3o. My Body Is A Cage;
Arcade Fire
o32. Waka Waka (Time for Africa);
o36. Blind;
o41. Way to fall;
o42. Make Me Bad;
oo1. Generation Kill - Fick talks to the Reporter
-HBO oo3. What Sarah Said: Official music video
Generation Kill - Singing Tainted Love & Tribulations - Case 4 - Part 9
o17. Me siento seguro - Iker Casillas
Zelda and the Phantom Hourglass - Nintendo Ds ☀
Il Mio Coach: Arricchisco il mio Vocabolario - Nintendo Ds
☀ Quick Spot - Nintendo Ds ☀
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth - Nintendo Ds ☀ Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria - PlayStation 2
☀ Odin Sphere - PlayStation 2
♦oo1. The Young Victoria (2009)
♦oo2. Flag of Our Fathers (2006)
♦oo3. Die Mommie Die (2003)
♦oo4. The Hurt Locker (2008)
♦oo5. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
♦oo6. Howl's Moving Castle (2005)
♦oo7. Alice in Wonderland
♦oo8. Spaceballs (1987)
♦oo9. Inglorious Basters (2009)
♦o1o. Killer Hair (2009) (TV)
♦o11. Pride And Prejudice (2005)
♦o12. Sherlock Holmes (2009)
♦o13. Toy Story 2 (1998)
♦o14. Marley & Me (2008)
♦o15. RocknRolla (2008)
♦o16. 500 days of Summer (2009)
♦o17. An Education (2009)
♦o18. Fight Club (1996)
* = rewatched xxx = At cinema
B ooks
oo1. Nile Poirot (Agatha Christie)
oo2. Death in the sky (Agatha Christie)
OO3. Tender Is the Night (FS Fitzgerald)
May oo4.
Farewell to Arms (Ernest Hemingway)
oo5. Poirot and the body (Agatha Christie)
oo6. American Gods (Neil Gaiman)
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Agatha Christie)
oo8. Christ Stopped at Eboli (Carlo Levi)
oo9. Poroit
and Four (Agatha Christie)
o1o. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
July O11. Words from the
defense (Agatha Christie)
O12. Studio in Red (Arthur Conan Doyle)
O13. The Sign of Four
(Arthur Conan Doyle)
o14. The Valley of Fear (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle)
O17. Help , Poirot!
(Agatha Christie)
O18. The Brothers (John Grisham)
Portrait of Elsa Greer (Agatha Christie)
Anansi Boys (Neil Gaiman)
Tv/Movie/Book/Videogames characters:
Brad "Iceman" Colbert (Generation Kill) Alexander Skarsgård
Josh Ray Person (Generation Kill)
Emily Blunt
Lewis Nixon (Band of Brothers) Ron Livingston
Richard Winters (Band of Brothers)
Rick Gomez
Eric Northman (True Blood) Alexander Skarsgård
Godric (True Blood) Allan Hyde
Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)
Jim Parson
Kay Faraday (Ace Attorney Investigations)
Wildbur 'Runner' Conley (The Pacific)
Keith Nobbs
Ashton Holmes
Andrew Haldane (The Pacific) Scott Gibson
Stark Sands
Alexander Skarsgård
James Ransone
Carey Mulligan
Ashton Holmes
Deborah Ann Woll
John Simm
Joseph-Gordon Levitt
Brad/Nate Kill , 2008
best lines Trombley: Are you against marriage, Sergeant? Ray: Brad got dumped.
Brad: My sweetheart since junior high... left me... and married my best friend since junior high. We're all still friends. They're one of those happy couples that likes to take pictures of themselves and hang 'em up all over their goddamn house. Sometimes I go over there just to look at my ex-fiancee doing all the things I used to do with him, with my best friend. Surfing and... jet skiing. It's nice having friends.
| B and of | rothers | best lines | Speirs: Where's the weapon?
Speirs: When you talk to an officer, you say "Sir". 1x10 Points | ~~~ Liebgott: "Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You've fought bravely, proudly for your country. You're a special group. You've found in one another a bond that exists only in combat, among brothers. You've shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You've seen death and Suffered together. I'm Proud To Have With Each served and Every one of you. You Deserve to long and happy lives in peace. " 1x10 Points | A warrior of light always makes something out of the ordinary. Can 'dance in the street while he went to work ... - Paulo Coelho | T rue B lood |
best lines | Sookie: * * He's talking about Godric your maker, isn't he? | Sookie: You Have a lot of love for him. Eric: Do not use words I do not understand. | 2x08 Timebomb | Godric: A human with me at the end, and human tears. Two thousand years and I can still be surprised. In this, I see God.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. - Pablo Neruda | They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. - Andy Warhol | Heaven and Hell Are Just a Breathe Away - (Art) Andy Warhol | T he P | acific
best lines | Leckie: There are things men can do to one another that are sobering to the soul. It is one thing to reconcile these things with God, But Another to square it with yourself. | 1x01 Guadalcanal / Leckie | Should I think everybody like everybody - (Art) Andy Warhol |
| | ( To the Maison !) | (2010 Episode List ) | (
| & Fandom pairings ) | | Other graphics' post will be published @ |
lovetoequalpain |
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